fading amplitude



    1)fading amplitude,衰落幅度2)amplitude of fading,振幅衰落3)amplitude attenuation,幅度衰减4)attenuating range,衰减幅度5)Amplitude drop,幅度跌落6)Fading depth,衰落深度


    With the experimental data on the over-the-horizon microwave communication in China sea on summer day,the median level of signal,the fading amplitude,the fading depth and probability distribution are analysed.


    This article analyzed different reason for the amplitude attenuation of the acoustic emission,and used the AE testing device produced by PAC America to test the acoustic emission attenuation using a pipe with many complex features.


    The attenuating range of CA D of blood supernatant in 10 of 13 cured pigs was higher than 2 at 15 days and all was higher than 2 at 30 days.

    用吡喹酮治疗囊虫病猪 15头 ,经剖检证实治愈 13头 ,其中 10头在治疗后 15 d血清中 CA的衰减幅度大于 2 ,治疗 30 d后 13头猪血清 CA的衰减幅度大于 2 (其中 3头猪 CA转阴 ) ,治疗 6 0 d后 CA转阴猪达 10头 ;未治愈的 2头病猪 ,CA一直变化不大。