exponential survival curve



    1)exponential survival curve,指数存活曲线2)Survival curve,存活曲线3)surviving curve,存活率曲线4)exponential curve,指数曲线5)survival curve,残存曲线;存活曲线6)Cell survival curve,细胞存活曲线


    glauca,including diameter and height structure and survival curve,showed that the population was plenty of seedlings with high mortality,which means early decrease and later stability.


    The results showed that: ① The average age of Sabina pingii was relatively old;it is about 277 years old;②The survival curve of the population was between the type of Deevey-Ⅲ and the type of Deevey-Ⅱ,the mortality rate displayed similar change dyn.


    In this paper, age structure, the relationship between the age and the stem diameter of Cinnamomum burmannii populaion were studiedl survival curve and age structure pictures were given.

    研究了阴香(Cinnamomum burmannii)种群的年龄结构及其年龄与胸径的关系,绘制了阴香种群的存活曲线和年龄结构图。

    The surviving curve of the antibiotic-producers caused by ion beam implantation was studied.

    0× 1 0 1 6ions/cm2 的N+离子注入庆大霉素产生菌成熟孢子后 ,作出菌种的存活率曲线 ,为典型的“马鞍型”剂量 -效应曲线 。

    [Methods] Exponential curve was employed in studying time series of typhoid and paratyphoid(1997-2003) and incidence rate of year 2004 was predicted based on the prediction model.


    Based on the data feature of oversea tourist in Jiangsu province from 1998 to 2005,three forecast models are adopted separately,namely the back-propagation neural network model,the GM(1,1) model and the exponential curve model.


    Study on the Life Chart and Suvival Curve of the Eggs of Ficedula zanthopygia;


    Static Life Table and Survival Curve of Dominant Populations of Tianma Mountain in Xinyi;


    Static Life Stable and the Survival Curve of the Montane Elfin Forest in Shimentai Nature Reserve in Guangdong;


    Irrationality of X-ray Survival Curve Founded in Scholz-Kraft's Local Effect Model


    It is essential in radiobiology to fit a survival-radiation dose curvefrom experimental data, which was usually done on a computer by the least squaremethod.


    This paper discusses generation cost curves, unit price curves and incremental cost curves, and points out that there might be declining segments in thermal-power unit price curve.


    Explain the main features of a simple stock time curve graph.


    Is There J-Curve Effect under the pressure of RMB Appreciation;


    The Existence Test on Environmental Kuznets Curve of China;


    The Existence of Plane of a Circular Section of the Second Order Surface;


    The Development of the Detecting Instrument of Piston Ring s Characteristic Pressure Curve;


    Study of Environmental Kuznets Curve Based on Pollutants from Daily Living


    Improving of the Measurement Method of the Natural Activity Curve of Lysozyme


    Dispersion signal test must insure the signal curve is normal; they should be printed and filed.


    Study on Weibull model applied in fitting non-linear inactivation curve of bacteria


    Apparent Activation Energy for TiO_2 Ceramics Determined by the Master Sintering Curve and Arrhenius Plot


    The effect of octreotid on cells expression of survivin in human gastric cell strain


    The Existence of Solutions of Initial-boundary Problems for a Semilinear Hyperbolic Systems;
