dualpolarization oscillation
- 1)dual-polarization oscillation,双偏畹2)Wanding river,畹町河3)Xing Gongwan,邢公畹4)Wanding Port,畹町口岸5)Xing Gongwɑn,邢公畹(1914~ )6)Wanding Shi,畹町市
Based on the progress of LUCC information extraction methods to two Landsat TM imagines in 1990 and 2004,this paper revealed the dynamic change situation of land use/land cover in Wanding river watershed in this 14 years,and analyzed its quantity change and spatial characteristic.
通过对1990年和2004年两期Landsat TM影像LUCC信息提取方法的处理,揭示了14年间畹町河流域土地利用/土地覆盖的动态变化情况,并对其数量变化和空间特征进行了分析。
Mr Xing Gongwan s ideas on scholarly pursuits;
Analysis on Design for Cargo Check-up & Inspection Building in Wanding Port;
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