drill string torque
- 1)drill string torque,钻柱转矩2)drill string torque,钻杆柱转矩3)drill stem torque,钻柱扭矩4)rotary drillstring,旋转钻柱5)spindle drill press,转柱钻机6)screw augers torque,钻头转矩
The relation curves of digging pit machines screw auger and soil property and amount of feed were derived by using MATLAB to analyse screw augers torque and power of digging pit machine.
通过 MATL AB语言 ,对挖坑机钻头转矩及发动机功率进行了计算 ,得出了钻头转矩、发动机功率与土壤特性及其进给量的关系曲线 ,并对曲线的变化趋势进行了分
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