double fault
- 1)double fault,双误,两次发球失误2)missed services,发球失误3)serve out of turn,发球次序错误4)hitting fault,击球失误5)receive miss,接球失误6)spike miss,扣球失误
The ace rate ;as well as,the missed services rate was increased during the National Men s League Volleyball Tournament of 2001.
2 0 0 1年全国男子排球联赛的发球得分率较往年有所上升 ,但失误率也同样上升 ,且因发球失误而造成的失分已占相当大的比重 ,如再不引起高度重视 ,制止住这种势头 ,将影响球队整体水平的提高。
Through using the method of literture,induction and analysis,this paper made special researches on technical diagnosis and countermeasure of student s hitting fault in table tennis class in university for the tirst time.
A common fault is a net-ball,or net-fault.
The not-ball or net-fault, is a common fault.
Double fault: A second failed serve in a row, resulting in the loss of the point.
he was up two breaks in the second set.
At match point, she served a double fault.
Analysis of the Technical Causation that Error of Jumping Service about Chinese and Foreign Man s Volleyball Players;
If the ball doesn't cross the net, or it doesn't first hit the ground in the correct service court, it is a faulty service.
Amazingly, he has not faulted yet today.
太令人吃惊了, 他到现在都还没有一例发球失误呢。
When the serving team commits a fault and fails to win a point, the ball is given to their opponents.
Double fault leads to the server losing the point even though his opponent has not even had to return the ball.
Fluff a stroke, eg in golf
In singles, one player serves until he makes a fault.
what happens if you miss your shot,
Chapman punished the bowling.
the act of securing possession of rebounding basketball after a missed shot.
A defensive fielding or throwing misplay by a player when a play normally should have resulted in an out or prevented an advance by a base runner.
The Effects of Pot object-balls and Missing Object-balls On Hit straight Balls of Billiard;
3. 10 You received out of turn .
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