distribution according to work
- 1)distribution according to work,按劳分配2)distribution according to labor,按劳分配3)distribution according to labour,按劳分配4)the distribution according to work,按劳分配5)the distribution not according to work,非按劳分配6)Distribution in Accordance with Working Time,按劳动时间分配
On several issues about income distribution according to work——Co—discussion on the distribution issue with Dr.He Langxiong;
On distribution according to work, working value theory and distribution according to human capitals contribution——Negotiation with Comrade Guan Baichun;
About a Certain Number of Theoretical Problems Concerning the Distribution according to Work;
This paper expatiates that the distribution according to labor under the socialist planned economy is the principle of distributing individual consumer goods while the distribution according to labor under the socialist market economy is the principle of distributing the fruits of surplus labor.
联系生产过程 ,论述了社会主义计划经济条件下的按劳分配是个人消费品的分配原则 ;论述了社会主义市场经济条件下的按劳分配是剩余劳动成果的分配原则 ,以及按劳分配与按生产要素分配相结合的实现方式。
The central content of the Marxism the theory of income distribution is a distribution according to labor.
Distribution according to labor in the classical sense takes essential "deduction" which is the direct realization of the sole socialist public ownership in an economy as the premise.
Through restudying Marx s distribution theory according to labour and analyzing the theory of socialism primary stage,I put forward the reason?characteristics and fulfilling significance of distribution according to labour principle today.
Under the condition of market economy, distribution according to labour is based on the necessary labour time of society, and is realized through the market in the form of commodities and fund.
The relationship of labour value theory and distribution is the concrete demonstration of production means determining distribution means,which is closely connected with distribution according to labour and productive elements.
The essence of wage is a form of labor compensation realizing the distribution according to work under the public ownership.
We insist on the distribution system,of which the distribution according to work as the principal part,meanwhile,various distribution forms are coexisting.
Based on Marx s theory,the author points out the base of the distribution according to work:the public property of production material.
重读马克思在《哥达纲领批判》中关于财富的源泉及社会主义按劳分配的论述 ,试图阐释马克思按劳分配的理论基础即生产资料的公有制产权形式 ,进而论证按劳分配在我国的现实
To Strictly Differentiate "Work" of the Distribution according to Work and "Work" of the Distribution according to Production Factor;
Discuss the Combination of the Distribution According to Work and Distribution According to Productive Factor;
On the Combination of Distribution According to Work and the Distribution According to Productive Elements;
From each according to his ability and to each according to his work.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his work
On the Theory of Labor Value?the Unification of Distribution according to Work and Distribution according to Factors;
The Relations among the Distribution according to Productive Factors, the Distribution according to Labor and the Distribution according to Labor Value;
The Research on the Relationship of Distribution According to Work and Distribution According to Labor Force Value --The Combination of Distribution According to Work and Distribution According to Production Factor;
Distribution according to work means just this: the greater the contribution, the higher the pay; the less the contribution, the lower the pay; no contribution, no pay.
'To each according to his work'is the main method of allocating income.
The Theoretical Discussion of Distribution According to the Labor and Distribution in the Production Factor Combined;
Theoretic Foundation for Transition from Distribution according to Work to according to Factors Contributoon;
Thought of Distribution According to Work and Production Factor;
Wrong Explanation of Combination Between Distributions According to Work and According to Productive Elements;
On Socialist Market Economy, Allocation According to Labor and Allocation According to Factors;
On the New Distribution Principle of China;
On proper integration of distribution according to work and distribution according to production factors;
Distribution according to Human Capital is the Modern Form of Distribution according to Work;
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