digital filling



    1)digital filling,数字填充2)character filI,字符填充3)Filling Character,填充字符4)Filled Text,填充文字5)filling coefficient,填充系数6)filling fraction,填充分数


    Researches on filling coefficients for stability of soil stratum permeability;


    Based on the comparison between theoretical calculation and test results,this paper suggests that the filling coefficient of c.


    Effects of Ba filling fraction and Fe content on thermoelectric properties of Ba 2+ \|filled p\|type skutterudite compounds Ba y Fe x Co 4-x Sb 12 ( x =1.

    6 3的组成范围内 ,系统地研究了Ba填充分数及Fe含量对p型BayFexCo4-xSb1 2 化合物电性能及热性能的影响 ,探讨了填充原子的氧化价对电性能的影响规律 ,优化了p型BayFexCo4-xSb1 2 化合物的组成和热电性能 ,对于富Co组成的Ba0 。

    Effect of Ce filling fraction on the thermoelectric transport properties of p\|type Co\|rich filled skutteudite compounds:Ce y Fe 1 5 Co 2 5 Sb 12 ( y =0—0 46) were investigated.

    研究了Ce填充分数对富Co组成的填充式skutterudite化合物 :CeyFe1。

    Effects of Y filling fraction on the electric and thermal properties of Y_yFe_xCo_(4-x)Sb_(12) were investigated.

    4的组成范围内, 合成了填充式方钴矿化合物YyFexCo4-xSb12,系统研究了 Y 填充分数对 p 型YyFexCo4-xSb12化合物电性能和热性能的影响。

    The descriptor is filled with the specified number of characters. The descriptor's length is changed to reflect this.


    The function generates the exact number of specified characters, either padding to the left with character zeroes or discarding low order characters as necessary.


    If OFDEL is set, the fill character is DEL; otherwise it is NULL.


    For character strings, padding is with blanks; for bit strings, it is with zeros.


    The Escape Character, Wrap Character and Pad Character properties must be unique.


    A character used to fill a field in storage.


    Controls how padding characters are either removed or added (serialization).


    The Default Escape Character, Default Wrap Character and Default Pad Character properties must be unique.


    The str_pad() function pads a string to a new length.


    Research on Graph Filling-algorithm and Chart Display in EFIS


    Backspace delay lasts about0.05 seconds. If OFILL is set, one fill character is transmitted.


    Repeats text a given number of times. Use REPT to fill a cell with a number of instances of a text string


    If the length of the target area is larger than the length of the source, then spare space within the target area is padded with the fill character.


    An Improved License Plate Recognition Algorithm for Training the BP Neural Network Based on the Filled Function Method


    If the leader should fill all space on a line, the max length of the leader should be at least as large as the width of the column.


    Field "{0}" - The value of Minimum Length with Pad Character property cannot be less than Minimum Length property of the field.

    字段“{0}”- 填充字符的最小长度属性的值不能小于字段的最小长度属性。

    Study on Filling Algorithm of Vector Linear Symbol Oriented GIS;


    A code extension character, used to terminate a sequence that has been introduced by the shift-out character, that makes effective the graphic characters of the standard character set.
