diffraction function



    1)diffraction function,衍射函数2)diffractive screen function,衍射屏函数3)diffraction modulation transfer function,衍射调制备递函数4)Diffraction loss coefficient,衍射系数5)index of idffraction,衍射指数6)diffrected data anddiffrected pararneter,衍射数据及衍射参数


    The theoretical and numerical study of such a device is reported, including the derivations of the diffractive screen function of the compound lens and the equations of the intensity distribution in the focus plane by considering both refraction and absorption effect and diffraction theory.

    针对X射线波段的特性 ,综合考虑折射和吸收效应得出组合透镜的衍射屏函数 ,并利用衍射理论推导出X射线组合透镜的设计理论。