- temporary government land allocation临时政府拨地
- Transceiver Features收发特性
- temporary shaft临时竖井
- temporary services临时工程设施
- temporary fence临时围栏
- temporary erection临时架设
- Trial Divisor试除数
- Transceiver (board) TRX收发信机(板)
- temporary project临时工程
- temporary drain临时排水渠
- tread楼梯踏步板
- temporary building临时建筑物
- thin clients瘦客户机
- tree traversal书历
- threading machine螺纹铰切机,quot;牙机quot;
- TFC Transfer C Controlled受控传送
- threaded bolt螺纹栓
- test,output processor输出处理器测试
- tree structure梳构
- tree and shrub planting绿化示和乔木栽种
- tractor feed输纸机械
- TFR Transfer Restricted受限传送
- TPT TransPorT输送,转移,传送
- tape bounded turing machine受带限制的图灵机
- throughput turnaround time输贯转回时间,输贯变向时间
- tape,carriage control输送器控制带
- Terms and Conditions for the Sale and Purchase of Flats买卖楼宇条件及章则
- tree structured architecture梳构的方式
- Taxodium distichum落羽杉
- Twine Ball麻绳球
- Tshape beamT形梁
- Task Force on the Ma Hang Public Housing Development [Hong K马坑公共房屋计划专责小组(香港房屋委员会)
- table entry/lookup,database数据库之表格入口/查询
- treeform language树形语言
- the data collecting and controlling system数据采集控制系统
- ThreeLayerStructure数据处理中心
- TAC Tree Access and Control树形网络的访问与控制
- Tree topology树状拓朴
- tar煤焦,焦油
- TSL Tree Searching Language树搜索语言
- terminal installation for data transmission数据传输端站设施
- tower casing竖立机壳
- transom门窗横挡
- taper angle拔模斜度
- track,library数据库磁道
- table lookup,database automatic数据库自动查表
- time sharing,data base management and reporting数据库管理及报告
- trade agreement贸易协定
- tree view树形视图
- tieback锚杆,锚固
- TEAM Terminology Evaluation and Acquisition Method术语鉴定与取得方法
- treeview树状检视
- Test of glass fiber reinforced plastic product safety proper煤矿井下用玻璃钢制品安全性能检验规范
- tulip treeyellow poplar,tulip poplar,tulip tree,Liriodendron美国鹅掌揪
- TTCN Tree and Tabular Combined Notation树状图与表格相结合的注释
- tea lead包茶铅箔
- treesort树排序
- tree structure network树结构网络
- tables Folder数据表数据夹
- terminology bank术语银行
- transom window门头气窗
- the Entrance Hall门厅
- tensometer变形测定器
- temperature of transformation变态温度
- thin foil薄箔
- treated joint密封处理的接缝
- transformer sheet变压浦板
- tracing描摹图,摹绘图
- Tobin bronze丙氏青铜
- terminal,datacommunication数据通讯终端机
- tension ph diagram波度指数 电位图
- test equipment,digital数字测试设备
- thin walled blast furnace薄炉身高炉
- trunk,digit transfer数字传输干线
- time,data数据时间
- transformation temperature range变态温度范围
- tailing device成卷带材端头扳直装置
- timber bridge木桥
- tea pot spout ladle茶壶嘴式浇斗
- two access mechanism双存取机构
- tests simulation,digital数字化测试模拟
- thickness gage测隙规,厚度规
- ten(10)key pad数字键衬盘
- track tramping踩紧
- trowelled granolithic抹平石米
- trough conveyor槽带输送机
- timber construction木质构造物
- trowelled finish抹面,抹光面
- timber framed stone construction木构架石料结构
- tilting cupola搀炉,秋千炉,倾转熔铁炉
- timber building木房屋
- timber yard木料堆置场
- timbered area木材林铺盖面积
- trowelability抹光性能
- timber grade木材等级
- testing,digital components数字组件测试法
- trowel finish抹光面
- tree name墅
- timber structure木结构
- terminal,duplex双工终端机
- timber partition木料间隔
- tensile strength of wood perpendicular to grain木材横理抗拉强度
- TCA Twin C Cache Architecture双缓存架构〖3D加速芯片〗
- two coat plastering抹二层灰
- timber connector木结构结合件
- troweling抹光
- thickness piece测厚黏土
- twin tape transporter双磁带传送机构
- TWT Two Way Tools双向工具
- TG Tone Generator双音频发生器
- twin check双重核对
- tooth wheel rim齿轮缘
- Taphole出钢口
- TNS Tone Sender双音频发送器
- twoway simultaneous communication双向同时通讯
- transfer between years年度与年度之间把单位数目调拨
- tapping hole出铁口,流出孔
- twophase modulation双相调变
- twoway voice transmission双向语音传递
- through carburizing穿透渗碳
- tapping spout brick出钢槽
- tap degassing出钢真空脱气法
- Twoway trunk,bidirectional trunk双向中继
- theatment ladle处理用浇桶
- TPT Twisted Pair Transceiver双绞线收发器
- TDR Tone Dial Receiver双音频拨号接收机
- tandem furnace串联平炉
- TTM Two C Tone Modulation双音频(信号)调制
- Twofiber unidirectional path protection ring双纤单向通道保护环
- TCS Two Channel Switch双信道开关
- twoway trunk双向干线
- Twoway paging双向寻呼
- twokey rollover双键滚动能力
- transgranular stress corrosion cracking穿晶应力腐蚀开裂
- TwistedPair Cable双绞线,双绞线电
- tandem drawing串列式拉拔
- tapping sample出铁试样
- twoway alternate communication双向交替通讯
- twistedpair双绞线
- twisted pair双扭线
- twochannel switch双通道交换
- two degrees of freedom双自由度
- twowire channel双线通道
- through heating穿透加热,热透
- TPC Twisted C Pair Channel双扭线通道
- trigger bistable双稳态触发器,双稳态正反器
- TW Twin Wire双芯引线,双芯电缆
- TP Twisted Pair双绞线〖网络〗
- tup锤球,落锤球
- tap hole plug stick出铁口塞杆
- two condition cable code双廉线电码
- twofiber bidirectional linear switched ring双纤双向线性倒换环
- TNREC ToNe RECeiver双音频接收机
- twoinput subtracter双输入减器
- TimeDivisionShared Digital Subscriber Line (TDSL)双向对称式宽频网络,分时
- TPDDI Twisted Pair Distribution Data Interface双绞线分布数据界面
- TDI Two C way Direct interface双向直接接口
- temperature zone of fragility脆性温度区间
- terrace house排列连接式屋宇
- teletypewriter service,privateline私有线路来传打字机服务
- TDFW Three Dimensional Four Wire四线三度重合(磁芯存储器)
- thickend pulp浓浆
- TVI Transient Voltage Indicator瞬时电压指示器
- torshear type highstrength bolt扭剪型高强度螺栓
- Torsional shear test扭转剪力试验
- torsional strength扭转强度
- transient failure瞬时失效
- tack coat黏油,沥青黏层,quot;冷油quot;
- transient routine瞬时例程
- twisted steel fabric扭转钢筋网
- trailing suction dredger爬吸式挖泥船
- torsional moment扭弯矩
- transient analyzer瞬时分析仪
- transient voltage suppressor瞬时电压抑制器
- Transient errors瞬问误差
- torsional cracking扭转开裂
- transient command瞬时命令
- twisting stress扭曲应力
- torsional capacity扭转载力
- Taxus Daecata欧洲紫杉
- transient fault瞬时故障
- testing,algorithmic patterngeneration算法图形产生测试法
- trestle scaffold排架式棚架
- TPD Transient Propagation Delay瞬态传播延时
- transient period瞬态期
- torsion扭力,扭转
- Torque arm扭矩杆
- torsional reinforcement扭力钢筋
- tufa cement凝灰岩水泥
- transient recoder瞬态记录器
- torsional shear扭剪力
- tamping machine捣固机
- turtlegraphics套板图形
- Telerent Decision泰利瑞德决策
- TPD Trivial Problem Discriminator琐碎问题鉴别器
- Tyan泰安电脑公司(美国,1989年由张彤成立于硅谷,出品个人电脑)〖
- timesharing service,packet network套封网络分时服务
- testing RAM随机存取记忆测试
- TI Tektronix Inc.泰克公司(美国,出品打印机及相关软件)
- TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol琐碎文件传送协议,日常文件传送协议,普通文件传输协议〖因