- ReportsonTitle and Owners Incorporation Section [Land Regist业权报告及业主法团组(土地注册处)
- RMCP,Remote Mail Checking Protocol(RFC1339)远程邮件检查协议
- Remote power supply远供
- RJEP Remote Job Entry Protocol远程作业登录协议
- RTA Remote Trunk Arrangement远程中继线排列
- RFT Remote File Transfer远程文件传送
- RISC Remote Information Systems Center远程信息系统中心(美国全国医学图书馆使用)
- RP Reader / Printer阅读器/打印机
- remote request远端要求、远端请求,远程请求
- remote data processing远程数据处理
- Remote Display (slave)远程受制显示器,受制显示器
- RKE Remote C Keyless C Entry远程无密钥登录
- Remote Batch Access远距群组存取
- RITS Remote Input Terminal System远程输入终端系统
- RDC Remote Data Concentrator远程数据集中器
- RAS Remote Application System远程应用系统
- Remote Frame Handling RFH远端处理
- rocker dump hand cart摇动卸料手推车
- RDBD Remote Device Buffer Definitions远程设备缓冲区定义
- RDTIM Remote Data Transmission Interface Module远程数据传输接口模块
- read program阅读程序
- rotary vane water meter翼轮式水表
- run time check运行时检验
- red label goods易燃性材料
- RECOMP RECOMPlement再补码
- ROT运行对象表
- run time output运行时输出
- Reconfiguration Administration再配置管理
- RTVS Run C Time Variable Stack运转时间变量堆栈
- RIG Reuse library Interoperation Group再使用库配合动作组
- runtime environment运行时环境
- Regenerator Section Termination RST再生段终结
- relocation table再定位表
- RCR Required Carrier Return character载波信号必须返回字符
- ROPC Running Optimum Power Control运行最优功率控制
- rotating pan mill转盘混砂机
- reloadability再装性
- rated property已评估差饷的物业,已征收差饷的物业
- relief sewer溢流污水渠
- run time constant运行时常数
- rotary die转模
- refresh buffer再生缓冲器
- readymix concrete已揽拌混凝土
- run schedule运行等表
- RLE Run Length Encoding运行长度编码,行程长度编码
- recycling engineering再生工程
- RMDBase Run Maintenance DataBase运行维护数据库
- RPS Reconvergent Path Set再收敛路径组合
- RR Regenerative Repeater再生性转发器
- rotational slip转动滑移
- rotary furnace转动炉,转筒炉
- restrained slab抑制平板
- RECIPE REcomplement Computer Interpretive Program Expeditor再补码计算机解释程序速成器
- Reexecution再执行
- ReAnswer Signal RAN再应答信号
- readressing再编址
- reboot再引导
- removal of ground移土工程
- RSOH Regenerator Section OverHead再生器部分开销
- RTTI RunTime Type Identification运行类型标识
- Regenerator REG再生中继器
- running system运行系统
- run time library运行时程序库
- RLC Run Length Coding运行长度译码
- RRU Regenerative Repeater Unit再生转发器设备
- RD Running Disparity运行差异
- RDA Run C time Debugging Aid运行期间调试助手
- red copper紫铜
- reranking再排序
- revolvable pan tray,revolving table,revolving tray,round tab转台,转盘
- reload再装入
- regenerative section再生段
- RA Relocation Address再定位地址,浮动地址
- registered mortgage已登记按揭契据
- RTL Run Time Library运行时间库
- registered mortgagee已登记承按人
- readily removable cover易于移走的封盖
- rundown运行终了
- rate of hardening parameters硬化速率系数
- ROL Request on Line在线请求
- rigid plastic硬性塑胶
- Rules of the Fire Offices' Committee for Automatic Fire Alar英国火险协会自动火警警报装置规则
- rigid metallic pipework硬金属制的喉管
- refundable proceeds应退还收益
- rateable tenement应缴差饷物业
- rough cast用粗灰泥涂
- rateable value应课差饷租值
- rateable value above the cutoff point应课差饷租值在限额以上
- Rules of the Fire Offices' Committee for Automatic Sprinkler英国火险协会自动消防花洒装置规则
- rental for camp营地租赁费
- roller bridge用滚轮的活动桥
- rodding用棒捣实
- RIBA英国皇家建筑师学会
- repeater station增音站
- RCG Reverberation Control of Gain增益混响控制
- rates payable应缴差饷额
- RWC,Real World Computing真实世界计算
- right hand view右侧面图
- RCE Real C Code Emulation真实代码模拟〖防火墙〗
- real color真彩色
- Real World Computing(RWC )真实世界计算机
- ruberoid roofing油毛毡铺屋面
- relevant works有关工程
- RL real life真实生活〖网语〗
- RMA Real Media Architecture真实媒体体系结构
- roofedover area有盖面积
- restricted market有条件限制的市场
- RFP Reguest For Proposals招标,请求建议,征求提案
- Round File (3rd)幼圆锉
- RFT Real Fourier Transformer真实傅里叶变换
- recreation area游憩用地,康乐用地,康乐场地
- Rubber Ear Plug with cord有绳橡胶耳塞
- realtime clock真实时钟,系统时钟
- relevant experience有关经验
- resort city游览城市
- Ratten Silk幼藤丝
- redundancy余度
- reasonably beneficial use有合理实益用途
- RLIS Real Life Imaging System真我色彩映像系统
- radix complement真补码
- report on contractors' performance有关承建商表现的报告
- right hand door右手开门
- Ringing Sending Delay振铃发送时延
- remaining works余下工程
- rainwater pipe雨水下淋
- regular entity正规实体
- readymix plant预拌混凝土机,预拌混凝土厂
- remaining portion[RP]余段
- RPELPC Regular Pulse Excited Linear Predictive Coder正常脉冲激励线性预测编码
- rainwater installation雨水装置
- RI Ring Indicator振铃指示器
- ready mixed joint compound预先拌好的勾缝混合料
- reservation预留
- RC Ringing Circuit振铃电路,冲击激励电路
- rainwater inlet雨水进入口斗
- RF rectifier整流器(管),检波器(管)
- RPELTP Regular Pulse Excitation C Long Term Prediction(or)正常脉冲激励长期预测(器)
- rendering正在演算上色
- relaxation of prestressed tendon预应筋松弛
- rainwater head雨水排水沟
- RPE Regular Pulse Excited (Excitation)正常脉冲激励
- rain runoff雨水径流
- ready mixed concrete plant预拌混凝土工厂
- reservation of site预留地盘
- ring signal振铃信号
- Reed Switch振簧开关
- ready mixed mortar预先拌好的灰浆
- RDO Regular Data Organization正规数据结构
- rescue point拯救点
- RML Regular Matrix Language正规矩阵语言
- Release while ringing振铃早释
- rain water sluice system雨水排放系统
- rendering audio正在演算上色音讯
- rod mill线材轧机,棒磨机
- RD Receiving Data正在接收数据〖指示灯〗
- residual oil余油
- rainwater down pipe雨落管
- recreational facility & playground equipment娱乐设施和游乐场地设备
- rain discharge雨水排放
- ready mixed concrete lorry预拌混凝土运料车
- Ringing Status振铃状态
- runtime property执行时期内容
- runTime Library Reference执行时期链接库参考手册
- relative lifting capacity相对[相应]提升量[升举能力]
- relative elongation相对伸长
- relative orientation相对取向
- ready cut house预制木结构房屋
- rebuilding原址改建
- reciprocal stop相对的止动装置
- round tenon圆榫
- runtime Library执行时期链接库
- reverse order相反顺序
- rumtime DLL执行时期DLL
- relative flying height相对飞行高度
- runtime Checks执行时检查
- runtime behavior执行时期行为
- reversed相反的,反向的
- running Object Table执行对象表格
- roundhole screen,round hole sieve圆孔筛
- related linkage相关连接装置
- reactor building原子炉建筑
- relative size相对尺寸[大小]
- relative mixing length相对混合长度
- relative wear resistance相对耐磨性
- reversal相反,换向
- relatively相对[比较]地,关系上
- related electrical circuit相关电路
- raw mix原料混合物
- runtime class information执行时期类别信息
- raw water transfer原水输送系统
- runtime instance执行时期实体
- round house圆形房屋
- restricted power限定的功率
- radial arm saw圆盘踞
- runtime error执行时期错误
- restraining ridge限制脊[隆起物]
- reverse side相反侧,另一侧
- runtime object执行时期对象
- relatively static相对静止
- round bed圆床