- rare and endangered plants珍稀濒危植物
- Remand Home羁留院
- Res iudicata pro veritate accipitur既判之事应视为真理
- Res in commercium交易物,流通物
- Raisiang Limit涨停板
- register right注册权
- Reprieve缓刑
- right of chastity贞操权
- Repatriation资金汇回本国
- ROA(Return on Assets)资产回报率
- reasonable time合理时间
- Recruitment Executive (Planning)招募组执行员(策划)
- resumed hearing恢复进行的聆讯
- rule of equity衡平法规则
- Recruitment Executive (JOs)招募组执行员(初级人员)
- Return On Capital Gains资本收益回报率
- Recruitment Officer (JOs)招募员(初级人员)
- Recruitment Executive (SOs)招募组执行员(高级人员)
- Registration authority注册机构
- Recruitment Branch招募组
- return rate of capital资本回报率
- RareEarth Leading Group of the State Council国务院稀土领导小组
- Registered Investment Advisor (RIA)注册投资顾问
- Res depositae寄托物
- right of possession占有权
- Recruitment Officer (SOs)招募员(高级人员)
- respectfully submitted for clearance即此函达,尚希见复为荷
- rescinding a contract解除劳动合同
- Relegatio流放,徒刑,驱逐
- Registry of Political Donations政治捐款注册局
- Retentio留置,扣除
- Round lots整数股
- right of complaint控告权
- Res privata principis君主的私有财物
- Res Romana罗马物件
- Roman Law罗马法
- Res fungibiles可替代物
- retractable legal acts可撤销的法律行为
- Ratione soli仅有的理由
- Res quae numero pondere mensura consistunt可以称、量、计数的物品
- right to make a will立遗嘱权
- recidivists累犯
- rejuvenating economy振兴经济
- Res nec mancipi略式物
- registration for practice执业登记
- RomanGermanic family罗马-日耳曼法系
- Rescindere venditionem解除买卖契约
- Regula Catoniana卡妥尼亚纳规则
- retrospective可追溯的
- Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang中国国民党革命委员会(民革)
- Res uxoriae妻财之诉
- right holder权利持有人
- Res certa确定物
- Repudium弃夫或弃妻,片面离婚
- Res vi possessae强占物
- Renvoi驱逐外国人出境
- Right and obligation权利和义务
- right to exclude all others排他的权利
- request a people's court or an arbitration agency to alter请求人民法院或者仲裁机关予以变更
- Res humani iuris人法物
- Retardation Influence滞后影响
- right of prosecution起诉权
- Res cottidianae日用品,日常事件法律实践
- repertoire保留节目(总称)
- Rescriptum批复,敕答
- regional system of laws区域性法律体系
- Red Cross Society of China中国红十字会总会
- Res universitatis市有物,府有物
- Res privatae私有物
- replacement price method重置价格法
- Res sanctae神护物
- reorganization claims重整债权
- retreat during court session without permission中途退庭
- rescheduling of payment重新安排贷款偿还期限
- Res divini iuris神法物
- restatement of accounts重整账目
- Regulating apparatus,electric电动调节设备
- regency摄政
- rebuilt value重置价值
- rescheduling loans重新安排贷款
- review system审查制度
- replacement current cost重置现行成本
- Repackaged asset vehicles重新包装的资产工具
- reevaluate重估
- ref. referee;reference;refer(red)仲裁者,裁判,参考,呈递
- Regulators [dimmers] (Light C) [electric]调光器(电的)
- radio tube anode电子管阳极
- roundtheclock service昼夜服务
- right of adjudication;right of giving final approval终审权
- Res sacrae神用物
- replacement assets重置资产
- rechargeable battery充电电池
- right of rebroadcasting重播权
- respondent;defendant仲裁被诉人
- redeem赎买
- Restitutio natalium(=Restituere natales)授予生来自由人身份
- Rede德文
- readers response读者反应
- Revolving周转的,循环的
- remaining period剩余期间
- realist law现实主义法学
- Reducers [electricity]减压器(电源)
- Rabbinic Interpretation拉比解经法
- Res derelictae委弃物,遗弃物
- restrictive explanation限制解释
- role角色
- RDTC registered deposit taking company注册接受存款公司
- RCMM registered competitive market maker注册的竞争市场自营商
- risk to human life危及人命
- Rescyt窝藏重罪犯人
- Registered注册的,登记的
- registration fee注册费
- Ryken,L.黎根
- Residential Purposes住家用
- raise a plea;raise a plead提出抗辩
- Repudium sine causa无因片面离婚
- Relays,electric继电器(电的)
- responsibilities for violating the labor contract违反劳动合同的责任
- Rogatio提案,法案
- renewal fee of patent专利续展费
- relativist jurisprudence相对主义法学
- Rei aestimatio物的估价
- Res extra nostrum patrimoni万家物
- Residential district住宅小区
- registered trademark注册商标
- Referre ius iurandum要求反宣誓
- Retentio propter impensas因开支的扣除
- Res mancipi要式物
- resuccession转继承
- Res quae usu consumantur消费物
- Romanesque罗马式
- Roman d'aventures冒险小说
- reserve deposit准备存款
- report of changes in assets condition资产状况变动报告
- resettlement转业
- Ricoeur,P.吕格尔
- Real Contracts (Contractus Re)要物契约
- reincarnated soul boy转世灵童
- Retentio propter mores因伤风败俗的扣除,因风化的扣除
- Retentio propter res amotas因拿走物的扣除,因隐匿财产的扣除
- Res iudicata est已决案,既判力
- religious imagery圣像雕塑
- reproduction of capital资本的再生产
- Recusare要求回避
- Repetitio rei要求对物的归还
- Renvoi au permier degree一级反致
- Reivindicatio pro parte要求部分返还之诉
- Return on asset资产回报(率)
- Remote control apparatus遥控仪器
- retiring room休息室
- Remitted from Punishment on Presentation of a Supplementary自动补报免罚
- repoussage,repousse work凸纹饰物
- Resource allocation资源分配
- right of own property自物权
- Retentio propter res donatas因赠与的扣除
- refreshments room小吃部
- revaluation of asset资金重估
- Rhetorical question修辞疑问
- Resource tax资源税
- Res litigiosa争议标的
- risk of spontaneous combustion自然险
- Residential Land for Selfuse自用住宅用地
- Res integra est在尚未履行契约之前
- relativist相对论者
- reciprocity相互性
- Receipts for Taxes Paid Voluntarily自缴税额缴款书
- Retentio propter liberos因子女的扣除
- rotating platform旋转舞台
- recursive rule衍生法则
- resources optimization deployment资源优化配置
- Ratione temperis属时理由
- rental expenses租金费用
- reexaminate重审
- Representation再现
- rhyme韵脚,押韵
- retable,altarpiece组塑,祭坛装饰
- renttorerent转出租(租入是为了出租)
- Rental租金,租赁
- relief valve,relieving pressure regulator安全减压阀
- Res in patrimonium自家物,自有物
- "red fume"quot;红色瓦斯quot;
- renter租用人
- right of recourse追索权
- Res allodialis自由让与的财产
- Ratione tenurae租期理由
- right of resale转卖权
- React Teamquot;反应小组quot;
- RZ FLP IS relay signalling unitRZ型安全火花型继电器信号元件
- Res alienae属于他人的财产
- relay tree保护树
- rear背街面
- reentrant horn凹腔式喇叭
- retained gas保留气
- report file报告文档
- recessed sprinkler半隐蔽型洒水喷头
- recessed sprinkler system半隐蔽型喷水灭火系统
- rampike被烧焦的树干
- report form报表格式
- reporting time报告时间
- regulation for safety安全章程