- preservation of trees clause保留树木条款
- political reform proposal政制改革建议
- political purpose政治目的
- political power base政治权力基础
- payment document支出单据
- PanFried Pork Fillet煎猪柳
- pivot point line支点线
- problems of supervised entities' behavior and the unsound in监管对象的行为有问题、管理机制不健全
- Phetchaburi碧武里(佛丕)
- pedagogical department教育系
- Panel on Constitutional Affairs [Provisional Legislative Cou政制事务委员会(临时立法会)
- PanFried Codfish Fillet煎银鳕鱼
- Perils玻璃市
- Potsdam波兹坦
- Preah Vihear柏威夏
- payee on check支票收款人
- proceed with confidence坚定信心
- phytic acid植酸
- Pig Feet in Brown Sauce酱香猪蹄
- PanFried Flatfish煎比目鱼
- Public Accounts Committee [Provisional Legislative Council]政府帐目委员会(临时立法会)
- prohibit redundant projects坚决不搞重复建设
- political donation政治用途捐款,政治用途捐赠
- political consultant政治顾问
- Preserved Eggs in Ginger Sauce姜汁皮蛋
- parttime professors兼职教授
- political organization政治组织,政治团体
- periodic updating of compensation rate按期调整补偿率
- Pathum Thani巴吞他尼
- PanFried Vegetable Dumplings煎什菜粉果
- Paksane北汕
- PanFried Chicken with Ginger and Scallion姜葱霸皇鸡
- principle of equality of political right政治权利均等的原则
- polybag胶袋
- political system政治制度,政制
- Phatthalung博他仑(高头廊)
- PanFried Pomfret煎鲳鱼
- Prey Veng波萝勉
- Penang Island槟榔屿
- PanFried Diced Beef with Garlic金蒜煎牛籽粒
- Prachin Buri巴真(巴真武里)
- Play Ku波来古
- political ambition政治抱负
- Pulp and Paper Engineering制浆造纸工程
- Phetchabun碧差汶
- political group政治团体,政见团体,政党
- public car only只停公用车
- Political Counselor政务参赞
- political belief政治信念
- political affiliation政治背景,政治立场
- Pamphlet on 'How to Apply for a Small House Grant'「如何申请批准建造小型屋宇」小册子
- Phan Thiet藩切
- Prawn中虾
- polyamide fiber聚酰胺纤维
- President,Chinese Academy of Sciences中国科学院院长
- Pedicularis Chinensis中国马先蒿
- pricing定价,定价方法
- principal tenancy二房东租权,主租赁,包租权
- pivoting bearing中心支承
- public filling barging point趸船转运站
- Phu Yen富安
- Phongsaly丰沙里
- principal tenant二房东,包租人,主租客
- Phan RangThap Cham藩朗-塔占
- polyolefins fibres聚烯烃纤维
- PanFried Chinese Chives Dumplings韭菜果
- President/Vice President,the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国主席/副主席
- Prawn Kebab with Curry Sauce咖喱串烧生中虾
- People's Bank of China中国人民银行
- proposal开题报告
- Pure Vision Lineage净观传承
- phonsavan丰沙湾
- Paramesotriton chinensis中国瘰螈
- Paragongylopus sinensis中华仿圆简蝓
- Pinus mugo中欧山松
- People's Liberation Army Military Force in Hong Kong Special中国解放军驻香港特别行政区部队
- permanent blind终身失明
- Phryganea sinensis中华石蛾
- Pure Land净土
- pivot pin中心承枢
- Phra Nokhon Si Ayutthaya大城(阿育他亚)
- prawn curry咖喱虾
- Planning,Lands and Works Panel规划、地政及工程事务委员会
- primary legislation主体法例
- Planning,Environment and Lands Bureau规划环境地政局
- pendular reflex钟摆样反射
- Professor of Treatment主任医师(医疗)
- Pallid Rattlebox猪屎豆
- public filling公众填土
- period of Crown lease官契年期,官地批租年期
- Public Filling SubCommittee公众填土小组委员会
- Principal officials主要官员
- planning suggestions规划建议
- public dump公众倾卸场
- processing of customer's materials来料加工
- Public Works Programme Item工务计划项目
- parent ordinance主体条例
- Planning,Environment and Lands Branch规划环境地政科
- plot ratio建造比率,地积比率
- pollution control map供管制污染用的地图
- Professor of Medicine主任医师(讲课)
- Presentation proof馈赠印样
- Phasmatodea竹节虫目
- principal place of residence主要住址,主要居所
- public way公共道路
- Professor of Pharmacy主任药师
- Port and Airport Development Strategy (PADS) Section港口及机场发展策略组(地政总署组别)
- provisions规定,条文
- Prajmalium Bitartrate重酒石酸普拉马林
- public sewer公共污水渠,公众污水管
- partition wall间隔墙,分隔墙
- progressive clustering method逐步聚类法
- PADS [Port and Airport Development Strategy]港口及机场发展策略
- Primary Suspension主悬吊
- popular science shopping mall科普商场
- Popularization Base of Science & Technology科普教育基地
- PanFried Chicken Wings in CocaCola Sauce可乐凤中翼
- postmeeting note会后记
- Pork intestine soup猪肠汤
- propagation朱蕉
- Project Action Team工程行动小组
- Peperomia caperata皱叶椒草
- Project Teams工程小组(地政总署组别)
- pants裤子
- principal residential address主要住址
- Phasmatidae竹节虫科
- Professor of Nursing主任护师
- play possum装糊涂,装傻
- Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy(PDH)准同步数字架构
- professional sector专业界别
- polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学
- Phayao帕尧
- policyrelated grain subsidies粮食政策性补贴
- practice economy厉行节约
- Provisional Airport Authority临时机场管理局
- Personnel Section人事组(地政总署组别)
- potential risk潜在危险性
- palming off substitute for the real thing李代桃僵
- pyramidal sign锥体束征
- part performance局部履行
- partpaid firefighter临时替班
- Padma family莲花部
- purchase mission驻外采购团
- pile tip桩端
- PATENT APPLICATION document专利申请文件
- prevailing market condition目前市况
- Padma Sambhava莲花生大师
- pensions to retired employees离退休人员养老金
- Point Detection转辙侦测
- professional body专业团体
- pulverized fuel ash reclamation area煤灰堆填区
- provisional sale and purchase agreement临时买卖协议,临时买卖合约
- prospective nominee准获提名人
- professional group专业组别
- PATENT document专利文件
- Pepe Lopez Premiun Gold,Mexico雷博司金色龙舌兰
- Pahang彭亨
- Pomposo壮丽地、光辉地
- Pinion carrier转架
- proceed from national conditions in China and bring our adva立足中国国情,发挥自身优势
- Picidae啄木鸟科
- prohibition of container loading/unloading by shorebased equ禁止以岸上设备装卸货柜条款
- Poached Egg in Fermented Glutinous Rice Soup醪糟鸡蛋
- pile stockade桩寨
- pitching ferrule桩用穿索管
- private sale [of flats]内部认购(楼宇)
- pencil sharpener转笔刀
- Phitsanulok彭世洛
- Pork Chops连骨头的猪排
- Phangnga攀牙
- prospective candidate准候选人
- place of loading装货处
- Previa子弹头(大霸王)
- passenger loading bridge旅客桥
- Pork Tripe Stuffed with Meat罗汉肚
- PanFried Turnip Pancake萝卜丝酥饼
- Phylloscopus armandii棕眉柳莺
- Picoides hyperythrus棕腹啄木鸟
- Peace太平
- Purple Swamphen(Porphyrio porphyrio)紫水鸡
- Pax Roman罗马治下的和平
- portfolio models for resource allocation资源配置的资产组合模式
- Pteruthius rufiventer棕腹鵙鹛
- Paramesotriton verrucosus棕黑疠螈
- peripheral surface U channel围边U型排水明渠
- private treaty grant[PTG]私人协约方式批地
- principle of free participation in direct election自由参与直接选举的原则
- Pickled Turnip with Green Soy Bean萝卜干毛豆
- Pork Rib and Turnip Soup萝卜煲排骨汤
- penthouse suite楼顶套房
- Photogrammetric and Air Survey Section摄影及航空测量组(地政总署组别)
- private street私有街道,私家街道
- Photographing Self自拍
- Psammodynastes pulverulentus紫沙蛇
- Peppermint Orange绿薄荷橙汁
- Phylloscopus subaffinis棕腹柳莺
- Property Management Unit物业管理小组(地政总署组别)
- palmitin棕榈精
- Prior Consent to Equipment & Process Clause事先同意设备及工序条款
- Perch (Steamed,Braised,Stewed with Marinated Chili)鲈鱼(清蒸,红烧,锅仔泡椒煮)