- Offering Memorandum发行备忘录
- overpayment of contribution多缴供款
- onerous tax繁苛税项,繁重税率
- obstetric apparatus助产器
- overpaid amount多缴数额
- Office of the Telecommunications Authority Trading Fund电讯管理局营运基金
- o. c. over charge收费过多
- official rate法定汇率,官价
- OfficerinCharge Corporate AudioVisual Section视听组组长
- offsite review非实地审查
- oneoff item非经常项目
- overshot grab抓钩打捞筒
- open bale wool抓毛
- order for payment of money付款指令票据
- OfficerinCharge Data Section数据资料组组组长
- offsite scrutiny非实地审核
- overnight liquidity assistance隔夜流动资金贷款
- ownership certificate所有权证书
- Overnight Index Swap隔夜指数掉期
- overnight interest rate隔夜利率
- overnight money隔夜拆借资金,隔夜钱
- overnight position隔夜头寸
- open market value公开市场价值,市值
- obligation of compensation for injury;obligation of damages损害赔偿之债
- overnight margin隔夜保证金,隔夜按金
- ownership proofs所有权证明
- openended investment corporation股份不定的投资公司
- overemployed economy过度活跃的经济
- O.T.B. Card Co. Ltd.海外信用卡有限公司
- OC Physical Training Wing体能培训处课长
- offshore currency deposit market海外货币存款市场
- overseas banking corporation海外银行法团
- overseas business海外业务
- overheated market过热的市场
- overdue loan过期贷款
- overseas currency balance海外货币结余
- OC Special Investigation Team特别调查组主管
- Overseas Trust Bank Ltd.海外信托银行有限公司
- offshore borrowing海外借款
- overseas financial institution海外财务机构
- OfficerinCharge Special Equipment Section特别配备组组长
- offshore interest海外利息
- ornamental brass装饰黄铜
- offshore borrowing transaction海外借款交易
- overseas representative office海外代表办事处
- overseas stock market海外证券市场
- overdraft by banks abroad海外银行同业透支
- Overseas Companies Section海外公司注册组(公司注册处)
- overall consideration统筹兼顾
- Overseas Union Bank Ltd.华联银行
- overall arrangement统筹安排
- orchidrose colour cloth紫玫瑰色布
- overdraft of an account户口透支
- OverseaChinese Banking Corporation Ltd.华侨银行有限公司
- OC Statistics统计主管
- out of circulation退出流通
- over and above inflation减除通胀因素
- Oneway Trading外汇兑换
- on account basis记帐方式,赊帐方式
- outofthemoney amount价外值
- ostrich policy;ostrichism鸵鸟政策
- Offset the Refundable Taxes Payable Against the Delinquent T退税抵欠
- Orient First Capital Limited建银财务(香港)有限公司
- oversight of markets监察市场
- outturn结算,结算数字
- Open End Credit开放性信贷
- OfficerinCharge Web Communications Section网络通讯组组长
- outstanding cheque未付支票
- open order开仓订单
- ounce troy金衡安士
- outstanding claim reserve未决索赔准备金
- operating statement经营收支表,营业损益表
- open price开仓价格
- OECD stock market经济合作及发展组织国家的证券市场
- O/s outstanding未清偿、未收回的
- old account未决帐,老帐
- operating surplus经营盈余,营业盈余
- operating loan经营业务所需贷款
- OECD country经济合作及发展组织国家,经济合作及发展组织的成员国
- opening price开盘价格,开市价
- order of foreclosure absolute绝对止赎令
- outstanding debt未清债务
- Onlinelove网恋
- opening rate开盘汇价
- opening quotation开市价,开市行情
- OpenEnd Fund开放性基金
- on one's own account为自己计算,独立帐目
- onlinebanking网上银行业
- ordinary annual contribution经常性每年捐款
- outofthemoney无内在价值的期权
- Offshore Supervisors Group离岸监理组织
- offfloor terminal离场交易终端机
- OC Bukit Timah Fire Station武吉知马消防局局长
- ownerless artical无主物
- OC Woodlands Fire Station兀兰消防局局长
- ouguiya乌吉亚(毛里塔尼亚)
- omnibus account客户汇集,综合账户
- own goal乌龙球
- offshore banking离岸银行
- OC Radio无线电署署长
- offshore reinsurance income离岸再保险入息
- open L/C无条件信用证
- Okong Corp.五公株式会社
- Openend funds无限额基金
- ORIX Asia Limited欧力士(亚洲)有限公司
- off line下网
- omission of income漏报入息
- onsite meeting现场会议
- Oligopsony卖方寡头垄断
- OC System Support系统支援主管
- Organic Growth内部增长
- onthespot performance现场表演
- overall tally全面总计
- option position期权持仓量
- overall average internal rate of return平均总体内部回报率
- ordinary share capital普通股股本
- Outplacement counseling向外安置顾问
- overall price relative全面相对价格
- option premium期权金,期权溢价
- options trading member期权交易会员
- offline business operation线下商贸运作
- options market maker期权quot;庄家quot;
- order of discharge破产解除令
- opening balance期初结余
- other collateral其它抵押品
- Other Current Liabilities其他流动负债
- Options Clearing Corporation期权结算公司(芝加哥)
- Other Long Term Liabilities其他长期负债
- overdraft on bank向银行透支
- offsetting position相抵持仓
- option on a futures contract期货合约期权,期货期权
- Other Current Assets其他流动资产
- Official Receiver's Office破产管理署
- Out of Pocket Expenses实付开支
- outstanding derivatives contract尚未平仓的衍生工具合约
- offhand made flower vase自由造形花瓶
- OPEC石油输出国组织、欧佩克
- outstanding commitment尚未支付的承担额
- Output Documentary Evidence销项凭证
- OfficerinCharge Fire Certificate/Licensing Section消防证书/执照签发组组长
- OC Fire Fighting & Rescue Training wing消防及拯救培训处课长
- offhand made ash tray自由造形烟缸
- outstanding loan尚未清还的贷款
- outstanding uncapitalized interest尚未支付且未化作本金的利息
- OfficerinCharge FSSB Planning Section消防安全与防空策划组组长
- offshore jackup drilling vessel自升式海上钻井船
- odd lot broker散股经纪
- outofpocket expenses实付费用,付现费用
- odd lot散股,碎股,零股
- OfficerinCharge Counselling Section心理辅导组组长
- Operations and Training Branch行动及培训组
- obligee受惠人
- optimal industry structural adjustment行业结构调整
- original receipt收据正本,收条正本
- Operations,Investigation Policy and Training行动、侦查政策及培训署
- OC Operations Planning行动策划主管
- Overpaid target收购溢价
- OfficeinCharge Ops Section行动组组长
- Operations Development Branch行动发展组
- OfficerinCharge Emergency Behaviour Management Section行为心理管理组组长
- Operations Control Branch行动支配组
- Operations Planning Branch行动策划组
- offeree shareholder受要约公司的股东
- OC Geylang Fire Station芽笼消防局局长
- optimum charge regulator最佳负荷调节器
- operators who work with paging centers寻呼小姐
- official letter行政公函
- OfficeinCharge Admin & Finance Section行政及财务组组长
- offer on sale or return许可退货发价
- OfficerinCharge Corporate Relations Section行政联系组组长
- OC Alexandra Fire Station亚历山大消防局局长
- outgoing partner退出的合伙人
- optional norm选择性规范
- ordinary course of business通常业务运作
- OW offer wanted寻购启示
- onepackage (plan)一揽子(计划)
- One focus,two basic points一个中心,两个基本点
- originating lessor(作为)发起人(的)出租人
- overdraft by outport banks外埠银行同业透支
- OC Research研究主管
- outstanding account未清帐项,未清帐目
- outstanding bill未偿付票据,未兑现票据
- outstanding未偿还,尚未支付
- outstanding balance未清帐款,未清余额
- one person company一人公司
- Office of the Exchange Fund外汇基金管理局
- outport collection外埠代收款项
- one crime一罪
- OfficerinCharge,General Licensing Unit一般执照组主管
- OC Ops Research Executive研究行动主管
- open position未平仓交易
- OfficerinCharge Research & Testing Section研究与测试组组长
- owners equity业主权益
- Occupational Retirement Schemes Division退休计划部(财经事务局)
- onetimeconsumption一次消费
- open interest未平仓合约数量
- Oneonone一对一会议
- outofthemoney option无价期权,价外期权
- outstanding borrowing未清偿债项
- overdraft by banks in foreign countries外国银行同业透支