- olivine sand橄榄石砂
- overhead crane桥式吊车
- overhead crane girder桥式吊车梁
- opus latercium嵌砖混凝土墙
- overdraw透支,全景渲染造成的浪费
- operating frequency induction heater工频感应炉
- overhead magnetic seperator高架磁选机
- outline process chart工作大纲图表
- overhead monorail高架单轨
- oxyenremoval copper of phosphorus磷脱氧铜
- openend caisson foundation深基础沉井基础
- osmometer,permeator渗透计
- osmose; osmosis,infiltration渗透(作用)
- outlay of production生产经费
- overall construction plan,construction general layout,Overal施工总平面图
- omit work省略工作
- oven curing炉内硬化(砂模)
- ornamental architecture盛饰建筑
- ope ration plan施工作业计划
- open flame furnace露焰炉
- onsite test实地测试,现场测试
- onsite inspection实地调查,现场调查
- occupied zone实占地域
- open sand molding媒砂型
- open riser明冒口
- outline processor文本处理机
- open top side feeder明侧补给口(明侧冒口)
- open top feeder明补给口(明侧冒口)
- off line plotter脱机绘图机
- open market rent市面租金
- ocrated concrete四氟化硅混凝土
- oxidative resistance耐氧化性
- Off Attendance退席
- oxidation resistant steel耐氧化钢
- outlying business district市区外商业区
- offline output; outline output脱机输出
- outlet pipe去水管
- outlet drain去水排水渠,出口排水渠
- ocrate process四氟化硅处理
- offline data processing脱机数据处理
- operation,scale推按电传作业
- offline diagnostics脱机诊断
- OOPS Off C line OPerating Simulator脱机操作模拟器
- Outlier Node脱离本体的节点
- overpickling过酸洗
- OUTWATS Outward Wide Area Telecommunication Service外部广域电信业务
- ODM Outboard Data Manager外部数据管理器
- overtreatment过度处理
- overcarburizing过度渗碳
- off grade metal规格外合金
- outer bevel外接子
- Organic Impurities硅胶粉
- oxygendeficiency safety device缺氧安全装置
- oil spillage燃油溢出
- overreduced steel过脱氧钢
- overinoculation过度接种
- operation,dual完全操作
- outgoing interface外送的信件
- overheated steel过热钢
- over etching过浸蚀
- outer Width外示巨指令
- over poling过搅拌(熔铜除氧)
- ovcrflow(OF)(OFL)(OV)(OVF)外发工作
- over sintered过烧结
- overheated structure过烧组织
- OTS Out Tag Status外标签状态
- outside region外圈回路
- occupancy rate入住率,租用率
- operating stress合用应力
- OHPC (OnHand PC)腕上计算机
- online credit card theft网络窃用信用卡
- Online Auction网络拍卖
- OffNet Access OFA网外接入
- overhead door closer上升卷门关闭器
- outdoor rent collection上门收租
- outstanding demand尚未满足的需求
- Openfind网擎〖台湾网站〗
- offnet calling网外呼叫
- ORION Online Retrieval of Information Over a Network网上在线信息检索
- overlying ground上面覆盖
- overpass; overcrossing上跨交叉
- oil fired heating system烧油供热系统
- oil fired heater烧油空气加热器
- overhead heating system上分式供热系统
- odd side假箱
- osmondite欧氏体
- OCR applications,business相同格式数据项序列
- owner architect agreement所有人和建筑师合同
- offset electrode偏心电极
- orifice tube test坍落度筒测定
- ownership所有权,拥有权,业权
- Orsat[gas] apparatus欧氏气体分析器
- owner contractor agreement所有人和承包人合同
- outer flame外焰
- ORACLE Oak Ridge Automatic Computer and Logical Engine橡树岭自动计算机和逻辑机
- oversleeve, raglan sleeve;sleevelet,sleeve to protect the ar套袖
- oval bush椭圆导套
- ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory橡树岭国立实验室(美国)
- oval rollprofile椭圆孔型
- overcoring method套钻法
- Offset Box Wrench Set套庄令士
- o forming弯成 o 形
- oscillation cycle往复周期
- open cavity外缩孔(铸疵)
- outside flash外焊瘤
- on chip redundancy芯片级冗余
- offset yield strength条件屈服强度
- ore washery洗矿场
- oversailing course挑出砖层
- oxide free extrusion无氧化物挤压
- oncplusone address芯片上控制逻辑
- ordinary engineering devices通用工程机械与设备
- OCC On C Call Consultant应招顾问,电话咨询
- offstream storage停运贮藏池
- optical sag视光垂度
- optimal merge tree影像扫瞄光学字体阅读机
- open ladle method浇桶置冲法
- outdoor sculpture & ornamental work室外雕塑和装饰品
- ordinary housing简单机架
- order for recovery of possession收回楼宇令
- occupancy load收容能力,居住载荷
- organic matter content test室内土工试验有机质含量试验
- oliver脚踏锤
- outdoor temperature室外温度
- order for sale售卖令
- object qualifier物件集区
- object pooling物件共用,对象池化
- object authority物件授权
- overgrowth of crystals结晶粗大化
- operation register无止操作保护,不停顿操作保护
- object Models物件对映
- object file物件表达式
- OLE,object linking and embedding物件联接与嵌入
- objectguidance物件导向
- object model物件模型,对象模型
- open slating疏铺石板
- object oriented物件导向的,面向对象的
- object state物件限定词
- open coreprint开放砂心头
- opentop side feeder开边式冒口
- open groove开口式轧槽
- ore smelting矿石熔炼
- ODB Output to Display Buffer显示输出缓存
- off the shelf software现用软件
- ore sizing矿石筛分
- ore distributor矿石分配器
- ore charge矿石料
- ore reduction矿石还原
- OffTheShelf现有的,现货,成品的
- ore bin矿仓
- ore transshipment plant矿石转运装置
- ore preparation矿石准备
- Onsite Cable现场电缆
- ore coal briquette矿煤团块
- ore and coke ratio矿焦比
- ore bedding矿石中和
- outofprocess线外写码
- open hearth shop平炉车间
- open hearth port平炉炉头
- open user土地用途不受限制
- Openhearth furnace slags平炉渣
- open hearth iron平炉生铁
- OIS Office of Information Systems信息系统局(美国保健教育福利部属下)
- open piled jetty透空式桩基突堤
- openhearth process平炉法
- open wharf透空式码头
- orientation structure取向结构
- one man drill歉锹砖赭
- oxyhydrogen welding氢氧焊
- oblique impact/ inclined impact倾斜碰撞
- out tension前张力
- oxyhydrogen flame氢氧焰
- oval arch椭圆形拱
- oriented nucleation取向成核
- operation,singlestep序列操作,串行操作
- outside air opening外部空气通道
- operation,transfer序列-平行操作
- outer shield外护罩
- outside film coefficient外表面传热系数
- open piping外露管道
- outer court外院
- Out set外盖型套轮
- outside foundation line外部地基线
- optional retention选择保持
- outer door外门
- oil ash attack燃油灰分腐蚀
- outer lining外门窗框
- outward swinging metal gate外掩铁闸
- outside coating外部涂刷
- outside support外支座
- outside column外部柱
- outer friction angle外摩擦角
- outside scaffolding外部脚手架
- Outside clearance ratio外径比
- outrigger shore外伸架临时顶撑
- outrigger外伸架
- outside glazing外部装配玻璃
- outdoor air inlet外部空气
- outer boom外机臂
- operation,serialparallel序列字组操作