- flash mixer快速混合器,闪击混合器
- film of popular science科普片
- febrifugen.退热药,解热药
- fasibility可行性,可能性,现实性,可行性研究,方案现实性的研究
- flexible flat cable (FFC)挠性扁平电缆
- flexible printed wiring挠性印制线路
- fungus resistance抗霉(菌)性能
- freezing point depression凝固点降低
- flexible singlesided printed board挠性单面印制板
- friskv.欢跃,轻快活泼地跳跃
- flight and drag conveyer链条耙式运输机
- flow controller流量控制器
- fluidize bed流态化层,流化床
- frozen food paper冷冻食品包装纸
- forprep.为了,给,代替,向,支持 conj.因为
- frozen food carton冷冻食品纸盒
- flow modifier流动性能调节剂
- fludization speed流态化速度
- flow nozzle流送喷嘴
- fluidroasting furnace流态化焙烧炉
- FOB离岸价格
- fluid shear流体切变
- flow box流浆箱,网前箱
- fluidization process流态化方法,流态化过程
- "fluosolid" roasing流态化焙烧,沸腾层培烧
- flow apperach流浆系统,浆料流送系统
- flintglazed box cover paper蜡光纸盒贴面纸
- fir (Abies)冷杉属,冷杉,白冷杉
- Furious billowing dragon(Eel with boiling oil)怒涛惊龙
- Fried noodles with beef牛肉炒面
- FC flow controller流量控制器的缩写
- fluid flow流体流动(量)
- Fillet steak with cheese牛里脊片带少司
- felt spreader,felt spreader worm roll,worm felt roll毛毯伸展辊
- furnace炉子,熔炉
- frontage street面街
- friction gear面阻传动
- furnace ash炉灰
- Fried fillet of fish in bread crumbs面包粉炸鱼
- flowrate test敏感性流动实验
- folk remedies abuse民间疗法滥用
- fibrovascular bundle脉管状纤维束
- free pharmaceuticals免费药物
- felt draws毛毯牵引
- felt stretcher,felt tightener毛毯张紧器
- Folklore (including Chinese Folk Literature)民俗学(含中国民间文学)
- Fried king prawn in bread crumbs面包粉炸虾
- facial tic面肌抽搐,面肌痉挛
- fictionn.虚构,编造,小说
- foam decay mechanism泡沫衰变机理
- felt guide (roll)毛毯校正辊
- felt hairs毛毯绒,细毛
- felt roll,felt carrying roll毛毯辊
- felt mark(ing)毛毯痕,帆布印(纸病)
- furnace gas scrubber炉气洗涤器
- felt dryingk cylinder毛毯烘缸
- felt specifications毛毯规格,毛毯牌号
- Ficus Pandurata Hamce琴叶榕
- faithn.信任,信用:信念,信心,信仰
- fire control radar炮瞄雷达
- free postage [election advertisement]免费投寄(选举广告)
- furnace gas炉气
- free of cost免费赠送
- frame crane龙门吊车,桥式起重机
- Feeny dryer毛毯烘缸,干毯烘缸
- filterability滤过性能
- face membrane面膜
- filter paper test滤纸试验
- felt dryer毛毯烘缸,毛毯干燥器
- filter type thickener滤过式浓缩机
- film coating LWC paper轻量涂布纸
- Friction circle摩擦圓
- featherweight paper,lightweight paper轻磅纸,薄页纸
- full bleached全漂
- fuzzy concept模糊概念
- friction drum摩擦鼓,摩擦筒
- friction loss摩擦损失,摩擦损耗
- friction setup摩擦形式
- fluffing machine磨面机
- flexible packaging柔软包装
- friction lag摩擦迟滞
- Find a scene取景
- full automatic processing全自动化生产过程
- frictional drag摩擦牵力
- frictional strength摩阻强度
- FBK fully bleached kraft全漂牛皮纸的缩写
- furnace room熔炉间,炉子间,燃烧工段
- fuel oil燃(料)油,重油,柴油
- full tree logging全树采伐,连根集材
- felt board柔软纸板
- flexible fiber柔软纤维
- flakt dryer热风气垫干燥室
- friction velocity摩擦速度,剪应力速度
- friction cut摩擦 切陷 (轨枕)
- Friction couple摩擦付
- full closed全封闭
- foxed paper霉斑纸
- fuelsack paper燃料袋纸
- fabfoil曲面案板,弧面脱水板
- fortunen.运气,命运,财产,财富
- Fried eggs清煎鸡蛋
- Fried pork chop清煎排
- Fish maw in clear soup清汤鱼肚
- Fried fish with white cream奶油汁煎鱼
- Fried potato cake清煎土豆饼
- fiber classification筛分(纤维)
- furnish blanket上料毯
- fines removal筛除细小纤维
- Fish chowder奶油鱼片汤
- flash tank闪急槽
- Fried shrimps with green peas青豆虾仁
- Fish maw of black carp青鱼肚当
- flash vapor闪急蒸汽
- fume extractor清烟器
- finishing paper砂纸,研磨纸
- forbidv.禁止,不许
- flashing chamber闪击室
- Fish maw with white sauce奶油鱼肚
- fully directly elected Legislative Council全部由直选议员组成的立法会
- fractionating laboratory screen实验室用筛分仪
- flipv.轻弹,轻击
- foodshop paper食品店包装用纸
- freezev.使结冰,使凝固
- Ficedula mugimaki鸲(姬)鹟
- fly leaf书皮底纸,(书箱中)漏印纸页
- fans riot球迷骚扰
- foil removal surface去铜箔面
- flint backing paper石砂纸原纸
- first run film首轮放映的影片
- friction curvature曲率摩擦
- Finch wet strength device Finch湿强度测定仪
- fancy leaf paper书皮衬里彩色纸
- forest genetics树木遗传学
- firstrun cinema首轮影院
- folder stock,wet machine board湿抄浆板
- family delight assorted ingredients全家福
- flutterv.扑动,颤动,不规则跳动
- forest canopy树尖
- feltless wet machine无水毛毯湿抄机
- Feed rolls喂料辊
- Fair process (Fair)网部加填法
- filled felt污脏毛毯
- finishing broke完成损纸
- feeding screw喂料螺旋
- flexibility claviform glues柔性棒状胶束
- facing wire外网,面网
- Fried chinese savoury pancake(hot)热煎饼
- forgetv.忘记,遗忘
- frightenv.使惊恐
- fusionable material热核燃料
- feeding roll喂料辊,送纸辊
- foul condensates污冷凝水
- freshenv.使显得新鲜,使减少咸味,使精神饱满
- Fish stuffed with pork瓤馅鱼
- fascinatev.吸引住
- feed hopper喂料斗,加料斗
- feed door喂料目
- flexure modulus弯曲性
- feeding pross喂料螺旋压榨机,(切纸机)送纸辊
- feltless press无毛毯压榨,光压榨
- finishing waste完成工段损落
- Fried dumpling with pork肉锅贴
- fiber bonding纤维结合程度
- Fiber Separator纤维分离器
- flour tester细小纤维测定仪
- Fiber separation纤维分离
- fiber entanglement纤维交缠
- fiber pick纤维起毛
- fiber loss纤维流失
- fiber classifier,pulp fiber classifier纤维筛分仪
- flattenv. 把...弄平,使倒伏,使(漆等)失去光泽
- fiber axis纤维抽丝
- face wire面网,上网
- friction factor磨擦系数
- foreseev.预见,预知
- fiber saturated level纤维饱和度
- fine mesh wire细目网
- film printing洗印
- fibrillating细纤维化,纤丝化
- fiber array纤维排列
- fiber wall纤维壁
- frotation纤维离解
- fiber specification纤维规格
- fiber length distribution纤维长度分配
- friction drive磨擦驱动
- friction barker磨擦去皮机
- Fried rice with minced pork肉末炒饭
- friction glazed machine磨擦施光机
- flocking tissue棉绒薄页纸
- Fried noodles with sliced pork肉丝炒面
- fibrillating capacity细纤维化本领,纤丝化本领
- flamethrowing tank喷火坦克
- fluffer纤维分离机,疏解机
- Fish with cheese乳酪焗鱼
- fastenv. 扣住,扎牢,闩上
- fiberization纤维化(作用)
- fine mesh screen细筛,精选机
- forgivev.原谅,饶恕
- friction glazed磨擦施光
- filtering stock洗涤浆料