- Exchange Fund debt instrument外汇基金债务票据
- Exchange Fund Debt Certificate外汇基金债务证明书
- entertainment duty筵席税,娱乐税
- Exchange Fund Guarantee Scheme外汇基金保证计划
- External Department外事经研部(香港金融管理局)
- Exchange Fund Advisory Committee外汇基金咨询委员会
- Endowment养老金,捐赠
- existing loan现有贷款
- Efficiency Ratio效益比例
- easy to lubricate易于润滑
- existing licence现行有效的牌照
- executor of small estates小额遗产的遗嘱执行人
- equivalent shares相等股份
- external reporting risk财务报告(引起的)外部风险
- expenditure survey消费统计调查
- equal share相等份额
- Elica S.p.A意大利爱丽卡厨房设备公司
- existing controller现有控权人
- Emerging Asian Bond Market Conference新兴亚洲债券市场会议
- Error in substantia材料错误,物质的错误
- Exchange Banks' Association,Hong Kong香港外汇银行公会
- Esse Housewares (Shenzhen) Ltd.奕信家庭用品深圳有限公司
- easyopen can易拉罐
- Exheredatio剥夺遗产,剥夺继承权,废除继承人
- expressed in Hong Kong dollar以港元计算
- Extension Risk延长风险
- encroach on the interests of the people;go against the peopl触犯人民利益
- exclusion clause除外责任条款
- except for otherwise stipulated (by this law)除(本法)另有规定外
- extralegal超出法律权限的
- Epistula敕函
- evoked set引发的组合
- Estate Duty Office遗产税署(税务局)
- excess of jurisdiction超越管辖权
- encroach on the public interests触犯公共利益
- Edictum magistratum长官告示
- Exercitor navis船舶经营者
- exceed authority;beyond jurisdiction超过权限
- estate duty account遗产呈报表
- Edictum tralaticium传袭告示
- exercise of price decision行使价格
- employed capital已运用资本
- elastic constitution弹性宪法
- earnings quality盈利质量
- Earnings Yield盈利收益
- Earnings Surprises盈利不符预测
- entrustment basis以信托形式
- Earnings Multiplier盈利倍数
- exportled由出口带动
- EMS邮政特快专递
- extent of judge's power法官权力范围
- Ex iniuria对人身的侵害、侮辱
- expenditurebased gross domestic product estimate以开支为计算基础的本地生产总值估计数字
- ethics of marketing营销伦理道德
- externally oriented economy以外贸为主的经济,倚赖对外贸易的经济
- Entertainment Planning / Production影视策划/制作人员
- evolutin of law法律的演进
- expenditurebased gross domestic product以开支为计算基础的本地生产总值
- enforcement of legal responsibility法律责任的执行
- expected unit sales预计产量
- exchangetraded derivative在交易所买卖的衍生产品
- exposure to residual asset value(所承担的)资产残值风险
- Employer Relations Representative员工关系代表
- extrajudicial法院管辖以外的
- ecchymosis瘀癍
- ETD estimated tiem of departure预计出发时间
- EDOC effective date of change有效更改日期
- equityrelated contract与股权联系的合约
- effectively control inflation有效地控制通货膨胀
- expenditure off budget预算外支出
- EDD estimated delivery date预计交割日
- Employee Contribution Plan员工供款计划
- employment of profit有收益的受雇工作
- earning assets有收益的资产
- expected revenue预期收益
- earmarked fund预留款项,指定用途的款项
- expected error预期的错误
- estimated annual rental预计每年租值
- estimated expenditure预算开支,估计开支
- expected capacity预计生产能力
- estimated revenue预算收入,估计收入
- expected return语期收益
- Extraordinarium iudicium非常审判
- Effective Yield有效收益率
- existing client原有客户
- Effectively Connected Income有实际关连之所得
- Everyone is equal before the law.法律面前人人平等。
- Ex iniusta causa非正当原因,不正当原因
- evade obligations规避义务
- Emptio spei购买希望,预买,(期待权)
- Edictum de pretiis rerum venalium关于被卖物价格的告示
- EMP endof month payment月末付款
- Even Lot整批[证券]
- earmarked grant指定用途补助金
- Evocatio edictis告示传唤
- Environment Protection Leading Group of the State Council国务院环境保护领导小组
- Executive Director of Securities and Futures Commission证券及期货事务监察委员会执行董事
- en ventre sa mere腹中胎儿
- established standard of conduct公认的行为准则
- exchange for forward delivery远期外汇业务
- entrenched clause刚性条款
- engagement economics约定经济学
- expenditure for the services of the government政府服务开支
- executive director执行董事,执行理事
- Executive Committee执行委员会(香港期货交易所有限公司),常务委员会(香港联合交易
- ex aeque et bono: as a result of fair dealing and good consc根据公允及善意的原则
- executive editor责任编辑
- expenditure approach支出计算法,开支计算法
- Enterprise Regulatory Commission of the State Council国务院企业管理委员会
- enhance trust,reduce trouble,develop cooperation and avoid c增加信任,减少麻烦,发展合作,不搞对抗
- early vs late adoption早期采购与后期采购
- Ex iustis nuptiis基于合法婚姻
- exchange labor换工
- Exceptio rei iudicatae既判物之抗辩,即判力
- (electric) platform truck站台车
- Exceptio in factum基于事实的抗辩
- equity jurisprudence衡平法学
- Employment Consultant招募顾问
- Exchange Privilege转移特权
- education,saving,influence教育,挽救,感化
- Exceptio rei venditae et traditae交付出卖物的抗辩,买卖成交之抗辩,出卖并交付物的抗辩
- exhibition media展示广告媒体
- enrolment and vocation guidance office招生就业指导办公室
- Excess Liquidity资金过剩
- Excusationes tutorum监护豁免
- exemption of debt债务的免除
- employee's benefit fund,staff welfare fond职工福利基金
- exercise date执行日
- exercise political consultation and democratic supervision a政治协商、民主监督、参政议政
- expenditure tax,outlay tax支出税
- employee pensions职工养老金
- earthquake damage震害
- ethical regulations职业道德守则
- Executive Procedure执行程序
- Everyone has the right to freedom of expression.每个人都享有言论自由。
- expenditure tax regime支出税税制
- executive summary执行摘要
- Edictum principis君主告示
- executive tribunal执行庭
- execution of arrest执行逮捕
- employee association职工联合会
- Exceptio labeoniana拉贝奥抗辩
- economic compensation经济补偿
- Emptor买方,买受人
- employee's insurance fund职工保险基金
- employee's rights职工权力
- enforcement correction执行回转
- enterprise management combining with government administrati政企不分
- execution record执行笔录
- enforceable at law可用法律强制执行的
- employee pension fund职工退休基金
- end investor最终投资者
- Executive Consultant执行顾问
- Evidence preservation证据保全
- Employee compensation职员报酬
- express or implied明示或默示的
- Exceptio doli(mali)欺诈之抗辩
- en bloc vote全体票决
- Existimatio名誉减损
- Earmarking of Revenue指定用途税
- exponentially weighted moving average指数加权移动平均方法
- epicentral intensity(macro)(宏观)震中烈度
- equal treaty平等条约
- Event Driven/Special Situations重大事件主导的投资
- Earthquake prevention and disaster mitigation防震减灾
- electric wire电线管
- exaltedly得意忘形地
- expired laws失效法律
- ex post facto: by a subsequent act (describing any legal act事后的,溯及既往的
- electric switch电开关
- end stop,terminal,terminal station终点站
- Elite Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.中山市伊丽洁具有限公司
- epistates首席执法官
- Electrotechnology电工
- electricity conduit电导线管
- ethnic composition种族构成
- enculturation处境化
- electrical conductor电导体
- Error in quantitate数量错误
- electromagnetic coil电磁线圈
- Exceptio dilatoria限期抗辩
- Emancipatio脱离父权,解放奴隶
- edition binding精装
- essential condition of delict违法构成要件
- estate by escheat无人继承的遗产
- Evocatio denunciationibus通知传唤
- enquete par turbe习惯法认可调查
- Exceptio non adimplendi contractus未履约之抗辩
- easel画架,调色板
- except as hereinafter provided下文另有规定者除外
- exclusive sale专营,包销
- Exheredatio inter ceteros未指名剥夺继承权
- ETO(early termination option)提前结束任择权
- Emancipati脱离父权的人
- energico精力充足的
- (Efforts were focused on) the reform,reorganization,upgradin抓大放小,三改一加强
- Edictum novum新颁告示
- Examples of void contracts are those entered as a result of因欺诈、胁迫和乘人之危而签订的合同属于可撤销合同。
- Exceptio metus胁迫之抗辩
- extend the working hours延长工作时间