- drell ratio德勒尔比
- doppler broadening多普勒致宽
- doppler free two photon spectroscopy多普勒自由双光子光谱学
- diatomic gas二原子气体
- dielectric loss factor电介质损耗系数
- deuteron stripping氘核剥裂
- dynamic susceptibility动态极化率
- dalitz pair达利兹对
- debye function德拜函数
- degree度,次
- dynamic transition动态跃迁
- debye radius德拜半径
- de broglie wave德布罗意波
- duality model对偶模型
- Debye length,Debye shielding distance德拜屏蔽距离
- dynamical theory of diffraction动力学衍射理论
- degraded color递减色
- dynamitron地那米加速器高频高压发生器
- discharge room放电室
- dielectric dispersion电介质色散
- dispersed fluorescence method分散荧光法
- divertor分流偏滤器
- dry type recording干式记录
- decimeter wave分米波
- (DF)spaceDF空间
- dislocation source弗朗克 里德源
- duple imbeddingd重嵌入
- dispersancy分散力
- distributed ion pump分布型离子泵
- d integrald积分
- Doptimal designD-优化设计
- df laser氟化氘激光器df 激光器
- difference,finite difference[有限]差分
- decimal[十进]小数
- d integrabled可积
- derivative of n th ordern阶导数
- D optimal designD最优设计
- differentiable manifold of class Cc类微分廖
- distributed feedback laser分布反馈型激光器
- dgroupd 群
- detection of nuclear explosions核爆炸的探测
- dark nebula黑暗星云
- diaphragm光栏,隔膜,振动板
- detection limit检出界限
- degenerate semiconductor简并型半导体
- definiendum被定义者
- degenerate fermi gas简并费密气体
- dose rate meter剂量率测量计
- degeneration简并化
- degenerate star简并星
- deactivate减活化
- duplication of a cube倍立方[问题]
- dosimetry剂量测定
- doping加添加剂
- duplication of the cube倍立方
- distorted image畸变象
- demi continuous半连续的
- desensitization减敏感
- dead load,static load静负荷
- diamond金刚石,稳定区
- dyad并向量
- direct sum of representations表示的直和
- diplohedron扁方二十四面体
- diamagnetic susceptibility抗磁磁化率
- dipping refractometer浸式折射计,浸没折射计
- draconitic month交点月
- dorado剑鱼座
- dyadic product并向量积
- diamagnetic body抗磁质
- degree of a representation表示度
- disjoint sets不相交集
- disjoint elements不相交元素
- displacement spike离位峰
- difference group差群
- Decision Making under Uncertainty不确定决策
- dissociative ionization离解电离
- disjoint relations不相交关系
- disjoint sum不相交并集
- difference method差分法
- distance of distinct vision糜距离
- decomposition into partial fractions部分分数分解
- discontinuous terms不连续项
- Design of incomplete blocks不完全区组设计
- domain of unsolvability不可解域
- discontinuity interval不连续区间
- diffuser扩散器扩压段,漫射体
- diffusedjunction transistor扩散结型晶体管
- diffused junction diode扩散结二极管
- dissimilar terms不同类项
- discrete energy level离散能级
- disconnected space不连通空间
- diffuse series漫线系
- dilatation invariance扩张不变性
- dissociative diffusion离解扩散
- difference sequence差数序列
- discontinuous group of transformations不连续变换群
- dissociative capture离解俘获
- disconnected set不连通集
- Discontinuous subgroup不连续群
- disproportionate不成比例的
- diffusing surface扩散面
- degree of inseparability不可分次数
- disconnected graph不连通图
- diffuse molecular spectrum扩散分子光谱
- discontinuous set不连续集
- differential sequence差分序列
- diffusion light漫射光
- differences差异
- difference product差积
- difference correction差分矫正
- difference Monte Carlo method差分蒙特卡罗方法
- dimension analysis method量纲分析法
- degraded neutron慢化中子
- delayed renewal process迟延更新过程
- disperse system弥散系
- difference quotient差商
- difference cochain差异上链
- donkey electron驴电子
- duration持久时间
- dispersoid弥散相
- diffrenge algebra差代数
- demiclosed mapping次闭映射
- division除法,划分
- DantzigWolfe method丹齐格-沃尔夫法
- distorted wave impulse approximation扭曲波脉冲近似
- dense lattice稠格
- deexcitation去激活
- dipolar gas偶极气体
- division algorithm带余除法
- divisor class除子类
- defecton缺陷子
- dense element稠元
- derivation of an algebra代数的导子
- dAlemberts solution达朗贝尔解
- deviation prism偏转棱镜
- Darboux [differential] equation达布[微分]方程
- dense subsets稠子集
- dense everywhere处处稠密[的]
- date equations年龄方程
- divisor class group除子类群
- debut初遇
- degree of a divisor除子的次数
- dense set稠集
- diaphragm gauge膜片真空仪表
- dense ring of linear transformations稠密线性变换环
- density of signed measure带号测度密度
- Dedekind ηfunction戴德金η函数
- dense subset稠[密]子集
- drift instabilities漂移不稳定性
- divider compasses除法器两脚规
- d Alembert princople达朗贝尔原理
- deflection field偏转场
- Duffing differential equation达芬微分方程
- domain of existence存在域
- dipole electric field偶极电场
- Daci大词
- dioptric屈光的
- dedekind set绰金集
- dedekind completion绰金完备化
- Deflector偏转器
- die cut card打孔卡
- depolarization去偏振度
- dedekind sum绰金和
- demagnetization energy去磁能
- dedekind cut绰金切断
- d'alembertian达朗伯符,达郎贝尔算子
- Darboux problem达布问题
- Dipole field偶极磁场
- d'alembert ratio test达朗贝尔比例试验法
- dedekind axiom绰金公理
- Dedekind ζfunction戴德金ζ函数
- distorted wave born approximation扭曲波玻饵似
- darboux tangent达布切线
- degree of burn up燃耗度
- defect cluster缺陷群
- dipole oscillation偶极振动
- Dedekind domain戴德金整环
- De Morgan identity德摩根恒等式
- deep irradiation深部照射
- dissolution velocity溶解速度
- derived block design导出区组设计
- donor bond施贮
- dispersion surface色散面
- Debye asymptotic expansion德拜渐近展开
- Denjoy minimum set当茹瓦极小集
- derived functor导函子
- derived graph导出图
- de Rham cohomology group德拉姆上同调群
- decimal counting circuit十进位计数电路
- donor center施中心
- Denjoy integral当茹瓦积分
- deep survey深巡天
- dispersion equation色散公式
- discriminant of a simple algebra单代数的判别式
- debuncher散束器
- decade counter tube十进位计数管
- de Brujin graph德布鲁因图
- dilatation单项变换
- derived value导出数
- Dehn twist德恩扭转