- drug misuse药物误用
- Director,Personnel Office人事主任室
- drug withdrawal药物戒断
- drug act药品法规
- drug abuse pattern药物滥用方式
- Damaged by post mark戳伤
- Duck in Aweto Soup虫草鸭块汤
- Data Warehouse and OLAP数据仓库技术与联机分析处理
- DeepFried Pumpkin Pancake,Sichuan Style川式南瓜饼
- drug dosage药物剂量
- DeepFried Taro Cake脆炸芋头糕
- database foundation数据库基础
- Design & Analysis of Database数据库设计与分析
- drewstring neck抽带领
- Diced pork with cashew nuts腰果肉丁
- Dvakpo达瓦波
- DeepFried Tofu脆皮豆腐
- dress shirt传统男衬衫
- dailylife guidance生活辅导
- Dharamsala达兰萨拉
- dynamics and control一般力学与力学基础
- Damtsig Dolma Naljorma达希克朵玛那卓玛
- Discussion on Political & Economic Systems in Social社会主义各国政经体制讨论
- data base technology数据库技术
- drug usage药物应用
- Digital Circuit & Computer数字电路与微机
- digital learning数位学习
- David Snellgrove大卫 施耐尔格罗夫
- dependence treatment依赖性治疗
- Department of Geophysics地球物理系
- drip irrigation and spray irrigation滴灌、喷灌
- Digital Circuit数值电路
- Derby Biscuit德比饼干
- Denis Diderot丹尼斯 狄德罗
- Database System Principle数据库系统原理
- David Hume大卫 休谟
- Department of Geology地质系
- dependence potential依赖性潜力
- dual degrees system双联学制
- Decaffeinated Coffee低因咖啡
- Dzogchen大圆满
- Design and Analysis of algorithm算法设计与分析
- Database Theory and Application数据库原理及应用
- double registration双重学籍
- double major双主修
- Desi Sangyey Gyatso德西桑吉嘉措
- Dandan noodles担担面
- Daiquiri得其利
- Digital Electronics & Principle of Microcomputer数字电子与微机原理
- Danzka Currant Vodka,Denmark丹麦伏特加(葡萄味)
- deaf听觉障碍
- Danzka Vodka,Denmark丹麦伏特加
- default on a loan到期不还贷
- dining hall大餐厅,食堂
- Dwight D. Eisenhower德怀特 艾森豪威尔
- DeepFried Chicken with Chili Pepper当红炸子鸡
- David Mitrany戴维 米特兰尼
- Digital Electrical Circuitry数字电子线路
- Des moines得梅因
- Dicobalt Edetate依地酸二钴
- deposit insurance system for local small and mediumsized fin地方性中小金融机构存款保险制度a
- Dayan Pagoda大雁塔
- digital speech processing数字语音处理
- Daokou Carbonado道口烧鸡
- Dibrompropamidine Isethionate依西双溴丙脒
- Dravidian德拉威
- Database Principle数据库原理
- Duck Rolls with Chinese Angelica当归鸭卷
- David A. Baldwin大卫 鲍德温
- Dubonnet杜本内
- decumulative frequency以上累加次数
- Di Shi帝释天
- deterministic system因果时间
- dish,plate碟,盘
- Dilgo Khyentey Rinpochey顶果钦哲法王
- Dolma Mandal Zhichok度母四曼陀罗仪轨
- Department of Sculpture雕塑系
- Douhet杜黑
- declared area已宣布区域
- Dow's Port多斯波特酒
- debrisoquine异喹胍
- Dienestrol;Dienoestrol已二烯雌酚
- display instrument显示仪表
- Douzhir (Fermented Soybean Milk)豆汁儿
- Drom Tonpa敦仲巴
- Department of Electrical Engineering电机工程系
- dish碟子
- diamorphine乙酰吗啡
- Dongpo Pork东坡方肉
- documentary science文书学
- desiderative意愿的
- Department of Zoology动物学系
- Document study文献研究
- differentiated products异质产品
- Dombi Heruka东碧嘿鲁噶
- do somone good对某人有好处
- documentation Section文书组
- depressant drug抑郁药
- Dorjey Pakmo多杰帕嫫
- domestic support to agriculture对农业的国内支持
- Display Technique & Equipment显示技术及装置
- Dongpo Pig Knuckle东坡肘子
- Dexamethasone Acefurate乙呋地塞米松
- Duxiu Hill独秀峰
- Department of Electronics电子系
- Dorjey Shugden多杰桑登,口吐霹雳者
- Department of Oriental Languages & Literature东方语言学系
- Dujom Rinpochey敦珠仁波切
- Dorjey Rabtenma多杰拉布珍玛
- determine by a majority of votes以多数票表决
- Duanwu festival端午节
- Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes敦煌莫高窟
- dialect乡土语言
- Dharmakaya法身、真身、佛性
- diet management饮食管理
- Design of Virtual Instrument System虚拟仪器系统设计
- dewesternization非西方化
- Duck Intestines with Chili剁椒鸭肠
- Department of Law法律系
- Department of Russian俄语系
- desertification防止沙漠化(治沙、抗沙)
- dharmaraja法王
- defensive realism防御现实主义
- Degree thesis学位论文
- Department of Textile Engineering纺织工程系
- director radar,vector of primary input coefficient引导雷达
- Dharmakirti法称
- dharmadhatu法界 梵文
- Dharmaparyaya法门
- DeepFried Taro Dumplings蜂巢炸芋头
- distribution of money分配货币化
- deposit certificate银行存款单
- divine proud佛慢
- Dry Martini干马天尼
- Damn,you are killing me该死,你要弄死我
- DeepFried Taro Roots and Quail Eggs凤眼秋波芋艿
- DryBraised Prawn with Ham and Asparagus干烧大虾
- DryFried Green Beans干煸扁豆
- dressmarker's model;mannequim服装模特儿
- DryBraised Mandarin Fish干烧桂鱼
- Dried Lamb with Truffles干羊肉野山菌
- DeepFried Duck Rolls and Quail Eggs凤眼秋波鸭包
- DryBraised Chicken in Chili Sauce干烧鸡
- Dried chestuts干粟子
- dried shrimps干虾米
- Digital Imitation in Hydraulic System液压系统数字仿真
- Don Melchor Cabernet Sauvignon,Maipo甘露魔爵 赤霞珠
- dry red wine干红葡萄酒
- dryprocess rotary kilns干法旋窑水泥
- Dharma佛法(法宝)
- DryBraised Prawn干烧虾球
- DeepFried Shisamo干炸多春鱼
- DryBraised Turbot in Brown Sauce干烧牙片鱼
- DeepFried Hairtail干煎带鱼
- DryFried Green Beans with Minced Pork and Preserved Vegetabl干煸四季豆
- DC speed regulating system直流调速系统
- Duchesse Potato公爵夫人土豆
- Dough Drop and Assorted Vegetable Soup疙瘩汤
- Dexniguldipine右尼古地平
- Domaine de Baron'Arques拱男爵酒庄
- Dexormaplatin右奥马铂
- Double Pin重叠瓶
- Dexnafenodone右萘苯诺酮
- Dean,College of Social Sciences院长室
- distance learning;distance instruction远距教学
- Dexindoprofen右吲哚洛芬
- Director,Computer and Information Networking Center主任室
- Drop me a line!给我写信!
- Dexecadotril右卡多曲
- Department of Engineering Physics工程物理系
- dramabased comprehensive education综合活动
- Department of Industrial Management工业管理系
- Department of Industrial Design工业设计系
- Dexpemsdolac右培美酸
- dkonmchoggsum贡却松(三宝)
- dexibuprofen of ibuprofen右布洛芬
- Dexlofexidine右洛非西定
- D(+)sodium pantothenate右旋泛酸钠
- Department of Industrial Engineering工业工程系
- domestic terminal国内航班候机楼
- Dexloxiglumide右氯谷胺
- dexamphetamine右苯丙胺
- Dexsotalol右索他洛尔
- dextropropoxyphene右丙氧芬
- Dexfosfoserine右磷丝氨酸
- Dexverapamil右维拉帕米
- Distance Learning Section远距教学组
- developed pressure诱压力,扩展压力
- David has made great progress recently最近戴维进步很大
- Dexetimide右苄替米特
- diving header鱼跃顶球
- doves鸽派
- dirty bill of lading有债务提单
- Direct Current Adjustive System直流调整系统
- demonstratives指示词
- Department of International Politics国际政治系
- Dame Coffee贵妇人咖啡
- DeepFried Pig Knuckle Served with Pancake锅烧肘子配饼
- duck a la Duchesse罐焖鸭
- Design&Application of Artificial Intelligence Instru智能仪器设计与应用