- acrylonitrile butadiene rubber latex丙烯腈、丁二烯共聚体乳胶
- Advance Return of Donations接受捐赠预先申报书
- angle of contact接觸角
- ABR acryl butadiene rubber丙烯醛基丁二烯橡胶的缩写
- acrylic fiber,tacryl丙烯纤维
- angiospermous wood被子树木
- Angular transformation角转换
- ABS acrylonitrilebuladrene styrene丙烯腈一丁,烯一苯乙烯的缩写
- Amantanium Bromide金刚溴铵
- alcohol benzene extractive笨醇抽提物
- angular grain角粒
- acylic bound coating丙烯酸盐涂布
- apparent weight表观重量
- acrylic emulsion丙烯乳液
- Amantocillin金刚西林
- anisole苯甲醚
- Adafenoxate金刚芬酯
- alumine钡土,氧化铝
- adventn.(重要事件等的)到来,来临
- aeroplanen.(airplane)(英)飞机
- asbestos base paper钡地原纸,照相原纸
- Amphibolite角閃岩
- Adamexine金刚克新
- Alcippe variegaticeps金额雀鹛
- axen.(ax)斧子,削减 vt.用斧砍
- acceptance of office as a member接受议员席位
- approach velocity接近流速
- Ampellceps coronatus金冠树八哥
- approaching distance接近距离
- Affairs经济部
- approximate model近似模型
- airinlet system进气道系统
- approachingbalance近平衡钻井
- air bells proof不透气的,密封的
- ammonian.氨
- Austrian.奥地利
- acidizing浸酸改造
- attested经证实的
- airinlet nose cone进气口头锥
- attomeyn.辩护律师
- Angel Eyes超感应频率
- A baker's wife may bite of a bun,a brewer's wife may bite of近水楼台先得月。
- Argimesna精美司那
- Achalinus jinggangensis井冈山脊蛇
- airproof paper不透气纸
- accelerating agent催速剂,促进剂
- air blast system抽气压榨,吸风压榨
- aspirating hole,bleeder hole,vacuum hole抽气孔
- apron (cloth)唇布,裙布
- alcohoytic splitting醇分裂
- absolute speed絕對速度
- Ac. acetic;acetate;acetone alicyelic醋酸基,醋酸酯,丙酮脂环(族)的缩写
- Absolute residuals绝对残差
- assistant superintendent车间副主任
- alcohol tolerance酒耐受
- absolute path絕對路徑
- antique eggshell paper粗糙表面仿古纸
- army command军队指挥学
- analog speed/draw system车速和牵引力模拟控制系统
- absolute reaction,absolute reaction rate theory绝对反应速率理论
- alcohol dependence syndrome酒依赖综合症
- Armed Service Operation (including Operation of Strategic Mi军种战役学(含第二炮兵战役学)
- absolute porosity絕對孔隙率
- abstract syntax notation number one抽象语法符号
- award of bid决标,定标
- antiqueeggshell paper粗糙表面仿白纸粗糙表面仿白纸
- adult wood成年材
- absolute efficiency絕對標高
- absolute maximum bending moment絕對最大彎矩
- Alcoholic beverages酒精性饮料
- absolute humidity絕對濕度
- absolute system绝对票数制
- alcohol abstinence酒戒断
- aerator tank,aeration tank充气槽,充气罐
- absolute motion絕對運動
- acacia false (Robinia psendon cacia L.)刺槐,洋槐
- ambassadorn.大使,特使,(派驻国际组织的)代表
- acetolysis醋(酸水)解
- Aspongopus chinensis Dallas九香虫
- absolute pressure絕對壓力
- accumulator tank储存槽,回收槽,污热水槽
- average fiber length moisture(of pulp bales)成捆浆板平均水分含量
- accumulator relief储存槽排气,回收槽排气
- absolute par of exchange绝对外汇平价
- ammonium polyacryhoitril聚丙烯青铵盐
- Alcohol Hydroxide醇羟基
- aggragation聚結作用
- Almost Famous成名在望
- absolute position絕對位置
- aramid fiber paper聚芳酰胺纤维纸
- absolute majority of votes绝对多数票
- atmosphere parameter大气状态
- annoyancen.烦恼,烦扰
- albumenized paper蛋白胶纸,蛋白纸
- Antiwrinkle抗老防皱
- Amphiesma khasiense卡西腹链蛇
- anopisthographic block book单面印刷的木版纸
- Asplund defibrator Asplund单动纤维分离机
- Amolops kangtingensis康定湍蛙
- abb.德abbidung图例的缩写
- antitorque tail rotor抗扭螺旋桨
- apologyn.道歉,认错,辩解,辩护
- arteryn.动脉,干线,要道
- a fine Cpunishment moneyn.罚金v.罚adj.好的
- Archaeology and Museology考古学及博物馆学
- ammunition paper弹药筒纸
- ambient humidity大气湿度
- angle of shearing resistance抗剪角
- animaln.动物,野兽,牲畜 a.动物的,野兽的
- albumin paper蛋白胶纸
- antique paper低光泽纸,仿古纸
- antique glazed paper, antique paper低光泽纸
- antivibrating stability抗震穩定性
- A Teachercentered Class or A Studentcentered Class?课堂是以教师为中心还是以学生为中心?
- armature winding电枢绕线
- Air Break Switch空断开关
- animal trbsixed paper动物胶表面施胶纸
- alkali stable对碱稳定的
- absinthoi苦艾醇
- Addressable Fire Monitor System可寻址火灾监视系统
- adjusting color controls调节控制器
- annular ring孔环
- airdata computer空气数据计算机
- affirmative form肯定式
- adverbn.副词 a.副词的
- Acefylline Clofibrol克醋茶碱
- anxietyn.挂念,焦虑,渴望
- Aero King空中之王 日本三菱
- angern.愤怒,气愤 vt.使发怒,激怒 vi.发怒
- air transport insurance空运保险
- abdomenn.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)
- alkali sensitive对碱活泼的
- animal glue动物胶
- apical zone顶生区
- Airtoground missile (AGM)空对地导弹
- analyzable可分析的
- air target空袭目标
- Aquifoliaceae冬青属
- automatic control electric feed电控自动装料
- atlas paper地图纸,绘图纸,印图纸
- arthritisn.关节炎
- adjustable wing plane可变翼机
- auxiliary air,secondary air二次风,次级空气
- antique finish仿古整饰
- asphalt paper防潮纸,沥青纸,柏油纸
- antiflammability agent,fire proofing agent,flame retardants,防燃剂
- Agehana spp.宽尾凤蝶属(所有种)
- agate marble paper仿玛瑙大理五石纹纸
- antique Bristol, bogus Bristol仿光泽纸
- antique laid bond仿证券纸
- abuse potential滥用潜力
- asphalt paper, bituminized paper, moisture proof paper,black防潮纸,沥青纸
- antiseptic agent;antiseptics;antiseptic substance;rot proofi防腐剂;防污剂
- artificial parchment(paper), pergamyn仿硫酸纸
- antiskid treatment防滑动处理
- aromatic polyols芳醇
- aromatic group芳烃基
- Aethopyga gouldiae蓝喉太阳鸟
- asthma paper防喘纸
- aviationn.航空,航空学,飞行术,飞机制造业
- antiqueprinting paper仿古印刷纸,低光泽印刷纸
- antiquebristol paper仿古整饰光泽厚纸
- antique woven仿光泽布纹纸
- antiskid防滑动
- analgesic abuse syndrome滥用止痛药综合症
- antiquecover paper仿古整饰封面纸
- antiskid coating防滑涂布
- acidfree,acidfree tissue, anticorrosion paper防蚀纸
- abuse liability滥用倾向
- Actinidia latifolia阔叶猕猴桃
- antifoggant防翳的;防翳剂
- antifalsification paper仿伪造纸
- Antitrust夺命联机
- antirust base paper防锈原纸
- antiflocculation防絮凝作用
- agate paper仿大理石纸
- acid proof enamel防酸搪瓷
- aroyl acid芳酸
- approach (onto wire),discharge onto the wire放料上网
- Allium caelureum蓝花葱
- Arrhenius equation Arrhenius方程式,阿雷尼厄斯方程式
- antiseptic treatment,preservative treatment,antirot treatmen防腐处理,防护处理
- antifalsification paper,planchatte paper防伪造纸
- antiacidblocking agent防粘附剂,防阻塞剂
- alligator imitation paper仿鳄皮纸
- Amphiesma optatum丽纹腹链蛇
- apricot paper粉红色水果包装纸
- auxiliary air separator辅助分离器
- air wash浮气器
- Apparatus for sewage treatment废水处理装置
- aged clay老年土
- additional acid tank辅助贮酸槽,辅助酸液槽
- antacidn.解酸药,抗酸剂
- apparel pattern服装纸样
- air chip distributor风送木片分布器
- Acanthosaura lepidogester丽棘蜥
- accumulated inflow累積進水量
- Adesmia(oteroselis) lii李氏长足甲
- auxiliary air sizing agent辅助施胶剂
- anguishn.极度的痛苦v.感到极度痛苦