- 1)damping-off['dæmpiŋ'ɔf],立枯病2)Seedling blight,立枯病3)Rhizoctonia solani,立枯病4)wilt,立枯病5)blight,立枯病6)Rhizoctonia solani,立枯病菌
Preliminary report of effect of controlling damping-off of cotton and tomato in seedling stage with Lijunsha drug;
Non- Environmental Pollution Control of Damping-off of Pine Seedlings in Production;
Control of Damping-off of Pinus Massoniana with Complex Antagonistic Microbes;
Two effective chemicals (E, F) for controlling rice seedling blight were selected.
通过几种药剂对水稻立枯病菌的抑菌试验 ,筛选出 2种效果较好的药剂。
Control trial on 3 kinds of fungi (Fusarium solani, Alternaria tenuis and Rhizoctonia solani) responsible for seedling blight of Pinus was carried out by measuring the control reval effects of 7 fungicides in various soils indoors.
采用不同土壤育苗和7 种杀菌剂室内药效测定技术,对引起松苗立枯病的病原腐皮镰刀菌( Fusarium solani)、细交链孢菌( Alternaria tenuis)和立枯丝核菌( Rhizoctoniasolani)进行了防治试验,结果表明:不同土壤发病率为混合土5。
The seedling blight of eggplant was controlled effectively by soaking seeds with metabolite of Td31.
Isolation and Identification of Antagonistic Bacteria Inhibiting Against Rhizoctonia solani of Cotton Rhizosphere;
Study On the Antagonism of the Fermentation Product of Trichoderma harzianum T_(2-16) Against Rhizoctonia solani in Cowpea Plant;
In pure culture,no obvious inhibition of treating trifluralin on the hyphal growth of Rhizoctonia solani,Pythium aphanidermatum and Fusarium monUtforme was observed,when the com- pound was incorporated into the culture media at 2-10 μg a.
平板试验中,氟乐灵在有效成分2~10μg/ml 的浓度下,对棉立枯病菌(Rhizoctoniasolani)、棉猝倒病菌(Pythium aphanidermatum)和棉红腐病菌(Fusarium moniliforme)的菌丝生长无明显的抑制作用。
Likuqing (38% thiram-metalaxyl) is a new type of fungicide for rice wilt control at the seedling stage.
isolates were obtained from samples of rice wilt collected from deferent regions in Heilongjiang province.
1999~ 2 0 0 1年从黑龙江省不同地区 832株水稻立枯病病苗样品中分离获得 1318个分离物 ,经鉴定归属 7个属 12个种 ,其中Fusariumoxysporum占 19 7% ,Fusariumsolani占 2 5 9% ,Fusariumgraminearum占 17 1% ,Fusariummoniliforme占 8 2 % ,Fusariumsemitectum占 9 4 % ,Rhizoctoniasolani占 16 5 %。
isolates were obtained from samples of rice wilt collected from MiShan region in Heilongjiang province.
1999~2001年从黑龙江省密山351株水稻立枯病病苗样品中分离获得478个分离物,经鉴定归属5个属10个种,对分离频率较高的种类进行回接验证,均能引起水稻立枯病,其中Fusarium solani (Mart。
The preventing and treating techniques against larch seedling blight were studied at Lianshanguan forestry farm of Benxi county and Dagushan nursery of Anshan City in Liaoning Province from 1993 to 1998.
1993~1998年对辽宁省本溪县连山关林场和鞍山大孤山苗圃的落叶松幼苗立枯病及其防治进行了研究 ,结果表明:其致病菌是立枯丝核菌(RhizoctoniasolaniKuehn)、尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium qxysporumSchl。
Fifty eight single spore isolations, from 354 samples of rice seedling blight in dry raised nursery, have been identified as six species of Fusarium according to their asexual stages.
对 345份采自安徽凤阳、蒙城、定远等地的水稻立枯病病样进行了分离 ,获得了 5 8个致病的镰刀菌单孢株系 ,经鉴定为 6个种 ,其中以串珠镰刀菌比例最大 ,占 6 0 。
Study on Biological Characters of Rhizoctonia solani on Rhodiola sachalinen;
To be affected by damping off.
Study of Prevention Effect of Fu·Jia Powder on Rice Seedling Blight
Study of Fungi Causing Blight of Rice Seedlings on Dry Seedbed in Ningxia
Control of Damping-off of Pinus Massoniana with Complex Antagonistic Microbes;
Control Effects of Several Fungicides Against Seedling Blight of Dichondra repens
Biological Characteristics and Screen of Chemical Fungicide of the Pathogen Causing Basal Stem Blight on Dianthus caryophyllus
Efficacy of 70% hymexazol WP in controlling the sugar beet damping-off
Biocontrol of Rhizoctonia solani Damping-off on Cucumber Seedlings with Rhizobacteria
Investigation on Diseases of Pinellia Ternata (Thunb.) Breit. in Guizhou, Control Technique Study of Damping-off
The Effect of Soil Application with Calcium Oxide on Control of Damping-off and Quality of Rice Seedling;
Isolation of Chitosanase-producing Bacteria and Its Biological Control Against Rhizoctonia Damp-off of Mungbean and Cucumber;
Study on the Selection and Main Mechanisms of Trichoderma Spp.on Rhizoctonia Solani;
Study on Fermentation and Action Mechanism of Trichoderma Against Rhizoctonia Solani;
Effect of Different Bactericides on Seed Germination and Sugarbeet Black Leg
The Antifungal Activity Screening Test to Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn on 20 Kinds of Crude Extracts from Different Plants
Etiology of Rhizoctonia Head Rot on Brassica Oleracea;
Improvement of the Bacterial Blight Resistance and Foundation of Near-Isogenic Lines of Huahui1035
Establishment of Inoculation Technique and Rating System in Researching Rice Sheath Blight Resistance and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Rhizoctonia Solani Populations from Fujian
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