cross reactivation
- 1)cross reactivation,交叉复活作用2)crossing reactivation,交叉复活3)interleaver,交叉复用器4)repeating crossover,重复交叉操作5)interleaver,光交叉复用器6)interleaver,交叉波分复用
Application of on-line filtering technology in fiber Mach-Zehnder interleaver;
The central carrier and the first-order sideband are separated by an optical interleaver(IL) at base station.
Application of interleaver in DWDM fiber communication system is introduced.
介绍了交叉复用器 (Interleaver)在密集波分复用 (DWDM)光纤通信系统中的作用 ,利用各向异性晶体的双折射和偏振光的干涉分析了双折射型Interleaver器件的原理 ,给出了一种双折射型Interleaver与薄膜滤波器混合结构的DWDM光纤通信系统的概念设
A novel genetic algorithm,simply written as REGA, is proposed with the idea to limit the number of repeating crossover and replacing the worst individuals of the current generation by the best ones of the former generation.
基于有限次重复交叉操作和将父代的最好个体代替子代的最差个体的思想 ,提出了一种新的遗传算法 (REGA)。
A new kind of interleaver based on birefringent crystal;
Especially in the 50GHz DWDM system, interleaver must be used.
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