cooling and heating
- 1)cooling and heating,降温及栎暖2)heating and cooling,采暖降温3)terrestrial heat and temperature lowering,地热及降温4)passive heating and lowering temperature technique,被动式采暖降温技术5)noise prevention and temperature control,噪声治理及降温6)warmth,温暖
By analysing its characterisitics and doing economical comparison,we can see that water-source heat pump has proved itself to be a reliahle,e- conomical,energy-saving way of heating and cooling.
The environmental problems such as ground stress,rock explosion and earthshake,terrestrial heat and temperature lowering,prediction of conflagration etc.
In this work,there is an immense space of meaning constructed by three interacted aspects,abyss of desire,beauty of cruelty and light of warmth.
In the poem, the poet sings the praises of the warmth and fruitfulness of autumn in various ways.
在诗中 ,诗人运用各种手法热情讴歌了秋季的温暖和丰硕 ,整首诗洋溢着欢乐之情。
In the meantime, it had something to do with the warmth form the peper, fragrance and medicine valure.
The thermostat provides heating-cooling for year-round use.
Study on Thermal Performance of Indoor Climate with Passive Heating and Cooling Technologies;
Studies on Passive Multi-story Residential Building in Cold Regions of China:Comparative Analysis of Passive Technique of Heating and Lowering Temperature Applied at Home and Abroad
The Influences of the Air Conditioning Load on the Daily Load Characteristics of Central China Power Grid;
The Optimization of Research and Numerical Simulation of Auxiliary Wellhead Housing Heating and Cooling
The thermostat provides heating-cooling control for year-round use.
a sensation of warmth, dizziness, falling
温暖、 眩晕、 下降的感觉
Simulation and Analysis on Average Indoor Temperature of Non-Heating Room in a Local Heating Building
Measurement and Survey Analysis on Comfort and Energy Efficiency in Thin-panel Floor Heating Room
Reform on heating and air conditioning water system to decrease the energy usage;
Heat Preservation Technology Research on the Compound Wall of the Heating Residence Buildings;
Study on the Control Strategies for Radiant Floor Heating Systems;
Analysis Of Low-Temperature Floor Heating System Used Inside The House;
Analysis of the Low-temperature Hot Water Floor Panel Heating System;
Study on Room Temperature Predictive Control of Radiant Floor Heating System
Study on Outdoor Computational Air Temperature during Heating Period for the City of Shijiazhuang City
Measures are taken to bring down the workshop.
study on heating and heat preserving equipment for new born piglets Ⅱ. Comparison between fhe infrared heaters for new born piglets
仔猪采暖保温设备的研究 Ⅱ.初生仔猪红外线采暖设备的比较
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