


    1)browse,vi.随意翻阅,浏览;(牛、羊等)吃草2)browse/browser,浏览、浏览器、阅览、阅览器3)brose and reading,浏览阅读4)browsing translation,浏览翻译5)underground pipe net,随机浏览6)The sheep feed on grass.,羊吃草。


    According to the requirements of real-time browsing translation s web station system, a processing model of multilingual general-purpose morphology analysis is proposed.

    针对实时浏览翻译网站的机器翻译服务系统的要求 ,借鉴专家系统的设计思想 ,建立了文法体系和词法知识规则库 ,初步建立了一个多语种通用词法分析的处理模型 。

    In accordance with the actual condition of the underground pipe net this article designs and advances how to modify and uphold the picture dynamically by programming, how to complete the digitization of pipe net figure by Auto-CAD, and how to realize it`s random skimming by C + + program under the environment of Windows.

    针对城市地下管网敷设的实际,设计提出在Widows环境下,采用Auto CAD完成管网图形的数字化并编程实现图形的动态变更维护;采用c++编程实现管网图的随机浏览这一技术方案,并予以实现,该技术方案及软件在中小城市中具有一定的推广应用价值。

    Since you have your books early, spend a few hours skimming and reviewing each one.


    I skimmed through [over] the novel.

    我把那本小说草草阅读 [浏览] 了一遍。

    Common reading skills include intensive reading, evaluative reading, browsing, skimming, silent reading, fast reading, questionable reading and consultative reading, etc.


    He read some chapters and scanned the rest of the book.


    Readers will be rushing to get through8 a thick pile of applications.


    Browser is a program for retrieving and viewing a hypertext document on the Web.

    浏览器是一个程序,用来检索和阅读在Web上的超级文本文件 。

    The browser will present you with an option to move on to the next news.


    Help opens a window in your default web browser to the online version of this rulebook.


    Some of them will try to read your pages with Braille or speech-based browsers.


    You should browse through these and augment them with your own list of readings and photographers.


    Next time, more detail on publishing a spreadsheet to the server and viewing it in the browser.


    I just read them rapidly yesterday, so my answer to this question might be incomplete.


    This means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully.


    Creating the High-quality Reading Environment and Increasing the Readers' Reading Effects

    创造优质阅览环境 提高读者阅读效果

    read(sth)quickly and without concentrating


    at first browse

    最初浏览之下 (若不加以细读)

    He read some chapters and passed over the rest of the book.


    I've skimmed over the report but I haven't had time to look at it in detail.

    我已浏览了这份报告, 但还没时间细读。