Yangtze River
- 1)Yangtze River,长江,扬子江2)Yangtze River disease (YRD),扬子江病3)operations in the Yangtze River,扬子江战役4)Yangtze River pharmacy group,扬子江药业5)RunYang Yangtze River Bridge,润扬长江大桥6)Yangtze River Zhenjiang-Yangzhou(Z-Y) Reach,长江镇扬河段
The nonlinear three-dimensional finite element analysis of the 50m deep excavation support during the foundation construction of the north anchor in the Runyang Yangtze River Bridge project has been carried out and discussed.
讨论了润扬长江大桥北锚碇基础施工开挖中50 m特深基坑的三维非线性有限元分析,介绍了工程的有关情况,讨论了其计算模型和参数取值,给出主要计算结果并对有关影响因素进行了分析,在此基础上对该基坑支护的设计作出评价,最后结合施工结果讨论了计算分析的可靠性。
Research of Trial Pavement Section for the Orthotropic Deck Plate of Runyang Yangtzi River Bridge;
Health monitoring system for the Runyang Yangtse River Bridge
On the outlook quality control of the concrete construction of the south approach bridge of Runyang Yangtze River Bridge
Observation and Research on Temperature Distribution in Steel Box Girders of Runyang Yangtse River Bridge
A Study of Deep Foundation Pit Dewater and Settlement Control of South Anchor of Runyang Yangtze River Bridge;
Study and Application about Concrete in Run-yang Road Bridge;
Considerations on Runyang Yangtze River Bridge Opening to Traffic;
The Construction Technologe Research of Deep Base Hole on Runyang Changjiang Road Bridge;
Long-term monitoring and analysis of the wind environment at the site of Runyang Suspension Bridge
Quantitative Research on Fault Gouge from the Base of the Zhenjiang-Yangzhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge
Runyang Yangtze River Highway Bridge and Industry Structure s Adjustment of Zhenjiang and Yangzhou;
The Construction of the Runyang Yangtze River Highway Bridge and the Coordinated Development of Tourism in Zhenjiang and Yangzhou;
Excavation of South Anchorage Foundation Pit of Suspension Bridge of Runyang Bridge
Comparison and Selection of North Anchorage Foundation Alternatives for Runyang Bridge Suspension Spans
Design of Main Cable Dehumidification System in Southern Suspension Bridge of Runyang Yangtze River Highway Bridge
Dewatering Design and Construction of South Anchorage Deep Foundation Pit of Runyang Bridge
Construction of Prestressing Anchor System in South Anchorage of Suspension Bridge of Runyang Bridge
Method of Adjusting Cable Strand Sagging for Suspension Bridge of Runyang Bridge
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