Valence Grammar



    1)Valence Grammar,结合价语法2)combination of English and law,英语法律结合3)the combination of grammar and rhetoric,语法修辞结合4)valency grammar,配价语法5)valence grammar,配价语法6)grammatical valence,语法配价


    Based on the theory of valency grammar, this paper analyses valency errors in the sentences with verb predicates in the interlanguage of learners of Chinese.

    本文以配价语法理论为背景 ,以汉语中介语中带有偏误的动词句为研究对象 ,分析带有偏误的动词句中动词或补足语的偏误现象 ,探求偏误产生的原因 ,寻求减少偏误现象的教学对策。

    Based on the functional grammar theory, and in the light of approaches suchas grammaticalization 、cogntive grammar and valency grammar, the currenresearch makes a thorough probe into the directional verbs “进、进来、进去、出、出来、出去”, in contempotaty Chinese from the angles of diachronicevolvement.


    The emergence of large-scale electronic corpus paves the way for more in-depth studies of valency grammar while the theory of valency grammar in turn provides a feasible theoretic framework for the applied research of corpus,and enables the corpus to play a greater function in semantic and syntactic research as well as in natural language processing.


    Research on the valence grammar has been made for more than 20 years in China.


    Valence Grammar from the introduction of the Chinese language has become more mature now.


    The former enters into rhetorical valence relations and fans out with aesthetical freedom subjective sense system, whereas the latter enters into grammatical valence relations, construing the indefinite rich world with limited cognitive models; but it won t do with an opposite o.

    前者进入修辞配价关系 ,以审美自由敞开话语主体的感觉系统 ;后者进入语法配价关系 ,以有限的认知模式解读无限丰富的世界。

    An Analysis of Valency Grammar and Verb-noun Collocation Errors from CLEC Corpus


    Semantic Basis and Syntax Mechanism of Ancient Chinese Verb-Valence Polarization;


    Dynamism of Verb Valence from Relation between Word Meaning and Syntax;


    The Impact of the Further Grammaticalization of"yu"on the Increase in Coordination Valence of Dissyllable Predicates


    The Study of Mongolian Three Valents V.+V. Compound Verb;


    The Zero-Valence Verb in a Language: from the Perspective of Logical Valence;


    The Contrast of the Verb s Valence and the Issue about Verb s Coord Inate Valence and Semantic Meaning Elements between Chinese and Uighur;


    A Grammar Dictionary Based upon Valency Grammar--Comments on Thomas Herbst s A Valency Dictionary of English;

    一部基于配价的英语词典——Thomas Herbst的《英语配价词典》评析

    Automatic Extraction Approach Research on Chinese Verb Lexical Collocations;


    A Study of Specialized Collocations--A Corpus based Approach;


    A Valence Study of VR-Ba Sentences in Modern Chinese;


    Simple Researching on the Monosyllabic Predicate Verb in ZuoZhuan with Valence Theory;


    A Further Discussion on the Valence of Laying-verbs in Mandarin;


    Intransitive Verbs Followed by Objects: An Analysis from the Perspective of Collocation Rules;


    The Study of Valence Theory about the Verb "Qie" on the Basis of the Research about the Actual Corpus


    On the compound valence of the semantic-oriented complementation;


    A Study of the Bi-Valent Motion Verbs in the Uyghur language;


    Tetravalent Verbs of Trade and Classification of Verbal Valence in Chinese;
