Star neighbor
- 1)Star neighbor,星形邻域2)rhombus neighborhood,菱形邻域3)square neighborhood,方形邻域4)spherical neighbourhood,球形邻域5)neighborhood complex,邻域复形6)rectangular neighborhood,矩形邻域
By the grid-based method,NDOD expands square neighborhood by breadth-first search,it can reduce neighbo.
The property of a class of special distance space called super-distance space is studied,including its spherical neighbourhood,cauchy sequence,connectedness,completedness, etc.
研究了一类被称为超距空间的特殊度量空间的性质 ,包括它的球形邻域、cauchy序列、连通性、完备性等性质 。
Some structures and properties of neighborhood compleies of trees are discussed and several conditions that high dimention 2-forest is neighborhood complex of tree are ob-tained.
Define the neighborhood complex N(G) as the simplicial complex whose simplices are those subsets of V(G) which have a common neighbor.
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