Rotary Pursuit Test



    1)Rotary Pursuit Test,旋转追视测验2)Rotating Room Test,旋转屋测验3)Rotational stereo measurement,旋转体视测量法4)pursuit test,追逐测验5)viewer rotation,视者旋转6)rotation cutting,旋转剖视


    METHODS: Eighteen healthy male military pilots were tested by mental rotation test and their reaction time (RT) were measured and compared under six-condition matrix composed of 3 planes (the traverse plane, the sagittal plane and the coronal plane) and 2 tasks (viewer rotation and array rotation).

    目的:通过比较飞行员分别在两种旋转任务 (视者旋转、客体旋转)和 3个旋转平面 (横断面、冠状面、矢状面 )条件下心理旋转的反应时,来探讨旋转任务类型和旋转平面对飞行员三维心理旋转的影响。