Pure Land
- 1)Pure Land,净土2)Pure Land belief,净土信仰3)literature Sukhavati,文学净土4)the painting of pure-land,净土变5)view of clean land,净土观6)Pure Land School,净土宗
Pure Land in Buddhism, Kingdom of God in Christianity and the Non-realist Philosophy of Religion;
An Analysis of Tanluan Being Excluded from Thirteen Ancestry of Pure Land Sect;
Interpretation of the Pure Land by the Pure Land School and Chan Budd ism;
The paper discusses the connotation in Xie Lingyun s Buddhistic ideology in the following aspects:Mahayana Boluo Kong ideology,Pure Land belief and the opinion that prays to Buddha,cultivating himself according to th.
本文从大乘般若空观思想、净土信仰与念佛禅修、不废渐修的顿悟主张三方面探讨了谢灵运佛教思想的内涵 ,以期更深入全面地理解其山水诗文。
Pure Land belief origined in India.
On the Function of the Buddhist Pure Land School under the Field Vision of Constructing a Harmonious Society;
Interpretation of the Pure Land by the Pure Land School and Chan Budd ism;
Interpretation of the Pure Land by the Pure Land School and Chan Budd ism;
Worship of the Pure Land and related iconographical Materials seen in Dunhuang: A Review;
This archpriest has been seen as Avatar of Elysium, his will is Elysian will, his words are Elysian words.
Of or relating to the Hyperboreans.
Amitabha's Idea of Pure Land: A Common Ground for Ultimate Faith of the Pure Land Sect and the Other Sects
A common view is that Maitreya's Pure Land belief differs completely from Amitābha's Pure Land belief.
Pure Land Jewels: Religious and Grotto Dances
it got distilled in the Buddhist pure land and then returned to this world.
The pure land of Buddha was actually a good place on earth.
Strengthen Honest Ethos Construction of the Party, Create the "Clean Land" in Colleges;
加强党风廉政建设 开创高校一片“净土”
An Inquiry into Zhixu's Thoughts of the Pure Land of the Zen, Vinaya and All Other Schools Having the Same Origin
Pureland Daily Practice: Daily liturgy for Buddhist pureland practice as compiled and translated by Dr. Yutang Lin under the guidance of Yogi C. M. Chen.
Heavnly Land for the Deceased and Edifying Park for the Living--Features Analysis of the Design Art in Danish Cemetery
逝者的净土 生者的净园——丹麦墓园设计艺术特征探析
You also can imaging Amida Buddha is the president of the Pure Land university, why I call Pure Land is a university?
Secondly,there are traces of Maitreya's being reborn up into Tusita Heaven or down into the world of human beings both in traditional Amitābha's Pure Land belief and in belief of Pure Land of White Lotus since Tang Dynasty.
biological purification of soil pollution
They clean the air and keep water from running away.
"Where there are no oxen, their food-place is clean; but much increase comes through the strength of the ox."
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