Office for Economic Restructuring
- 1)Office for Economic Restructuring,经济体制改革办公室2)Research Office,the People's Government of XX Municipality (Office of Economic Restructuring of XX Municipality),XX市人民政府研究室(XX市经济体制改革办公室)3)System Reform Office of the State Council,国务院体制改革办公室4)Office for Economic Restructuring,经济体制办公厅5)economic system reform,经济体制改革6)economic restructuring,经济体制改革
Modern market economy and economic system reform in China;
Towards Positive Interaction between the Economic System Reform and the Administrative Reform;
With the development of the economic system reform, it has exerted great influence on the medical care system with underlying contradictions, while the lagging behind of the medical care system reform has seriously restrained the progress of the economic system reform, especially the reform of state-owned enterprises and the establishment of regulations in modern enterprises.
随着我国社会经济体制改革的逐步推进 ,经济体制改革对传统的社会医疗保障制度产生了巨大冲击 ,深深地触动了社会医疗保障体制的深层次矛盾 ,而社会医疗保障制度改革的滞后 ,又严重制约了经济体制改革的进程 ,尤其是国企改革和现代企业制度的建立。
In order to accelerate the application of high and new technology in production and improve China s economic competitiveness in international market,it is necessary to strengthen the economic restructuring, i.
论述了我国在短缺经济基本结束之后 ,当前在各个领域所面临的最大短缺是制度的短缺 ;为了推动高新技术成果的产业化 ,增强我国的经济竞争力 ,应强化经济体制改革也即制度建设的力
The government fails to obtain their personal information; consequently, the government has difficulty finding the best way to compensate the disadvantaged in economic restructuring.
The development of the situation both at home and abroad gives us stern challenges and rare chances to deepen economic restructuring.
国内外形势的发展为深化我国经济体制改革带来了严峻的挑战和难得的机遇 ,必须顺应潮流 ,抓住重点 ,整体推进 ,实现经济体制改革新突破 ,开创全面建设小康社会的新局面。
Economic Restructuring Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality
On the Ten Pairs of Relationships in the Reform of the School Management System--The Reflection on the Economics in the Reform ofthe School Management System;
The success of reform of public ownership economy has a determinative effect on the chance of victory or defeat of the whole economic system reform.
公有制经济体制改革的成功与否 ,是整个经济体制改革成败的关键。
The View of the Participation Economy of the Public-owned System: a New Thought about the Reform of Economy System in China;
Research on the Management System Reform of Public Hospitals Based on the Angle of Economics;
Reform on economic system and its effect on the shaping of public moral;
Economic Causes Analysis on the Reformation of School-running System of Chinese Higher Education;
Taizhou Municipal Office of Housing System Reform Leading Group
Issues Concerning Management System Reform of State-run Primary and Secondary Schools in China;
The Coordination between the Political System and the Economic System;
Nature of large-scaled public sport stadium and gymnasium property rights and offered production;
The Theory Promotes the Reformation That Not Public System Economy Develop System with Perfect;
Reform and Improve the State Property Management System;
发展公有制经济 改革和完善国有资产管理体制
Public Corporation System and its Meaning in Economic System Reform;
Intensify Economic Structural Reform and Perfect Socialist Market Economy System;
深化经济体制改革 完善基本经济制度
Analysis on the Reform of Internal Defence System of Chinese Police with the Theory of Economics;
Speculation on the Reform of Public Security Organs Economic Investigative System;
The Problem of Trust-agency in Company Administration During Economic System Reform in Our Country;
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