History of Western Art
- 1)History of Western Art,西方美术史2)Developmental History of Western Fine Arts,西方美术发展史3)western aesthetic history,西方美学史4)western art,西方美术5)history of Western music aesthetics,西方音乐美学史6)A History of Western Aesthetics,《西方美学通史》
The five symbolic western aesthetic history books are written in three models:the objective,the subjective,the objective and subjective combined types.
It summarizes the spirit of lines in different phases of western art history.
Secondly,studying history of Western music aesthetics is to provide a discourse for the talks in music,which means how people of every historical period speak of music,and under what circumstance they discuss music in a way they do.
A History of Western Aesthetics is a praiseworthy effort in this respect.
当前中国美学困境的一个重要原因是过度受制于超美学的时代欲求 ,美学缺乏自身的学术基础 ,美学史的研究还不充分 ,《西方美学通史》在这方面做了很好的努力。
A Look at the Relationship between Depiction and Expression in Terms of Western Art History
The Humanity Deduction in Western Artistical History--A Teaching Think about Painting Works from the Renaissance to 19 Century;
Collect the Native American and Western art and history.
Analysis of the Developmental History of Western Fine Arts from the Angle of Truenessand its Realistic Significance;
Discussion of Arguement about "His-yuan Ya-chi" and Method of China Art History
Attention Should Be Paid to "Narrate Clearly" When Studying Western Aesthetics History: the Postscript of A Study of Western Aesthetics History;
Different Historical Architecture under the Sky --Analysis of Chinese and Western Aesthetic Characteristics of Traditional Architectural Distinction
Teaching the History of Western Aesthetics As a General Elective Course;
History of Western Music Aesthetics and Problem Consciousness of Chinese--Thoughts on "History of Western Music Aesthetics" Teaching;
A Review of Five Symbolic Works of Western Aesthetic History:Comments on the Writing of Western Aesthetic History in China;
West Feminism Thoughts and American Women Study
The reviewing and thinking about the research of western aesthetic history in the 20th century;
Researches in Aesthetic History and Current Situation of Chinese Aesthetics;
On the Relationship between the Western Esthetic History and the Knowledge Construction of the Contemporary Chinese Esthetics;
3. The follower of western art-adoring western art, feeling indifferent of art of the third world, national art and popular art.
The Application of New History Studies Methodology in the Huang Binhong’Theory of the History of Arts
A study of theory and methodology of Chinese Art History;
The Rise and Ebb of Beauty and Truth In Modern Western Arts
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