Helm aweather
- 1)Helm aweather,迎风使舵2)put the helm up,转舵迎风3)weather helm,迎风舵角,上风舵4)Up with the helm!,转舵迎风开!5)fill sails,使帆迎风6)have it both ways,见风使舵
One that is very changeable or fickle.
He is always temporizing and is disliked by his classmates.
Let who will be king, I will be vicar of Bray still.
She would balance and temporize endlessly before reaching a decision.
A weather cock and an artful person, he spoke a lot of beautiful words to please people.
他这个人, 见风使舵, 八面玲珑, 说了不少使大家高兴的话。
To fashion one's views for momentary popularity or advantage.
There were a few holdouts, but they also jumped on the bandwagon toward the end of the campaign.
You can see with what nicety we have to trim our sails between chemistry and history.
One who changes one's opinions, especially political opinions, to suit the needs of the moment.
If you would on'y lay your course and a p'int to windward, you would ride in carriages, you would.
put the helm up [down]
将舵向上[下]转; 转舵使船迎 [背] 风
Take the wheel, see if we can make her come to.
The quartermaster swung the ship into the wind and laid it by.
Down [Up] (with the) helm!
转舵背 [迎] 风!
Steering according to the wind, he also framed his words more amicably.
他真会看风使舵, 口吻也马上变得温和了。
Captain: Full left rudder! Full left rudder! Do you hear me?!
"Hellum-a-lee -- hard a port!
An oar often acts as a rudder.
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