GasSolid Two Phase Flow
- 1)gas-solid two-phase flow,气固两相流2)gas-solid flow,气固两相流3)Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow,气固两相流4)gas solid two phase flow,气固两相流5)gas-particle two-phase flow,气固两相流6)gas-solid flow,气-固两相流
Flow distribution characteristics of gas-solid two-phase flows in a Y-shaped connection pipe;
Recognition of Gas-solid Two-phase Flow Regime Based on LQV Neural Network;
The theery and unmerical method for gas-solid two-phase flow in centrifugal fan s impeller;
Advances of impact heat transfer between particles in gas-solid flow;
To optimize the gas-solid flow field, numerical simulations were performed with a new raw meal inlet added to the SLC-S precalciner by changing the horizontal projection angle between the two raw meal inlets.
The realizable k-ε model and stochastic particle track model were used for gas-solid flow simulation.
采用可实现性k ε模型和随机颗粒轨道模型 ,对其气固两相流动进行了数值计算 ,得出了气相速度分布、颗粒浓度分布和流动阻力分布特性 。
Concentration measurement of gas-solid two phase flow in the dipleg based on electrical capacitance tomography
Tests on flow resistance characteristics of gas-solid two phase flow in pipes were performed on a 1:1 scale industrial pneumatic conveying system test rig.
The axial distributions of averaged solids holdup and the effects of operation conditions were investigated with the experimental data of pressure gradients of gas-solid two phase flow in a 16 m high CFB riser.
以 16m高循环床提升管中气固两相流压力梯度的大量实验数据为基础 ,从能量耗散的观点分析研究了平均颗粒浓度的轴向分布特征及其操作条件的影响 ,并与相同条件下 6m高提升管中颗粒浓度的轴向分布进行了对比。
Numerical simulation was carried out to predict the gas solid two phase flow in a filter dust collector with a low entry.
为了研究袋式除尘器滤袋失效机理 ,进一步指导除尘器的设计、运行和改进 ,通过简化滤袋结构和应用结构化 /非结构化混合网格技术 ,对DMC180型下进风袋式除尘器实际运行条件下的内部气固两相流动进行了数值模拟。
The paper presents a simulation of lean gas solid two phase flow.
该文用欧拉 拉格朗日法模拟烟气增湿活化反应器内稀疏气固两相流 ,对气相流场及颗粒相数密度分布分析表明 ,烟气进口位置及进口处的导流设备对反应器内颗粒分布影响显著 ,以双层弧型板做导流设备能够较好地改善其流场和颗粒相分布。
A novel method for the metering of mass flow rate of gas solid two phase flow by use of capacitance transducer and venturi tube in combination was presented.
提出了一种采用电容传感器与文丘里管相结合测量单支管中气固两相流质量流量的新方法·通过电容传感器对固相浓度的测量,可以求出气固两相流的固气比,结合文丘里管上的差压信号,可以计算出相应气体单独流经文丘里管时所产生的差压,由此可以求得气体的质量流量,进而得出固相的质量流量·实测结果显示,测量误差小于33 % ·此方法不直接测量管道中气体的质量流量,而是通过测量浓度和差压信号来求得气固两相的流量值·此方法特别适用于不能直接测量气体流量的场合 支管流量的测量
Numerical simulation of gas-particle two-phase flow in the primary air channel of direct-flow pulverized coal burner;
Experimental study of gas-particle two-phase flow in the primary air channel of direct-flow pulverized coal burner
Based on Eulerian treatment of gas phase,Eulerian treatment of particle continuum and momentum equations,as well as Lagrangian treatment of particle energy and mass transport equations,a three-dimensional mathematical model of turbulent gas-particle two-phase flow and pulverized coal combustion is formulated in the raceway of blast furnace.
The gas-solid flows,especially,the flow distribution and separation efficiency in VQS with different isolate cyl.
Numerical simulation of gas-solid two-phase flow in a Texaco entrained-flow coal gasifier
Research on Solid-gas Two-phase Flow Character Inside the Pulverized Coal Exhauster;
The Research on Coagulation of Charged Pareicle in Two-phase Gas-solid Flow;
Study on Gas-Solid Flow in 300MW Tangential Fired Boilers;
Research on the Measurement of Gas-solid Flows Concentration Based on Resistance Character;
Research on the Gas-solid Two-phase Characteristics of Swirl Tube in Third Stage Separators for FCC
Application of DCD Scheme in Computation of Gas-Solids Two-phase Flow
Flow velocity measurement based on data fusion and correlation analysis;
Numerical simulation of gas-particle flow in nozzle of solid rocket motor
Gas-particle Two Phase Flow in Supersonic Cold Gas Dynamic Spray;
Research on Gas-solid Two-phase Flow in Pneumatic Conveying System;
Simulative Research on Solid-gas Two-phase Flow of the Diesel Particulate Trapping
Studies on the measurement of the solid mass flowrate of the gas-solid two-phase flow by the double-elbow method;
Study on Characteristics of the Gas-Solid Two Phase Flow in Magnetically Fluidized Bed and Its Application;
Gas-Solid Two Phases Flows Parameters and Particle Electrostatic Measurement;
Investigation of Gas-Solid Two-Phase Flow Behavior in Fluidized Bed by Means of Les-Dsmc Method;
Gas-Solids Two Phase Flow Dynamics in Circulating Fluidized Bed Risers;
Two-phase Simulation of Gaseous Pollutants Removal by the Thief-Process Produced Activated Carbon;
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