Downward Compatible
- 1)Downward Compatible,向下兼容,后向兼容2)backward compatibility,后向兼容3)backward-compatible,向后兼容4)downward-compatible,下向兼容5)downward compatible,向下兼容6)backward compatible,回溯相容;向后兼容、向下兼容
Mainly described the reflow temperature curve setting up, the solder joint alloy componental calculation and estimation of liquid phase line temperature for backward compatibility assembly.
In order to not make DVB-S receiver cancel,DVB-S2 adopts the backward-compatible broadcasting mode.
Install client components for backward-compatible document libraries
Backward Compatibility is an area we where have focused much attention.
Cannot allocate the backward-compatible document library manager object {0}.
无法分配向后兼容文档库管理器对象 {0}。
Backward-compatible document library backup completed successfully. Server: {0}, Backup location: {1}
成功完成向后兼容的文档库备份。 服务器: {0},备份位置: {1}
Backward-compatible document library restore completed successfully. Server: {0}, Backup location: {1}
成功完成向后兼容的文档库恢复。服务器: {0},备份位置: {1}
Install server and client components for backward-compatible document libraries
Backward-compatible document library backup started. Server: {0}, Backup location: {1}
开始向后兼容的文档库备份。服务器: {0},备份位置: {1}
Backward-compatible document library backup failed. Error: {0} , Server: {0}, Backup location: {1}
向后兼容的文档库备份失败。错误: {0},服务器: {0},备份位置: {1}
Backward-compatible document library restore started. Server: {0}, Backup location: {1}
开始向后兼容的文档库恢复。服务器: {0},备份位置: {1}
Backward-compatible document library restore failed. Error: {0} , Server: {0}, Backup location: {1}
向后兼容的文档库恢复失败。错误: {0},服务器: {0},备份位置: {1}
Reiterates backwards compatibility to all previous Nintendo titles and the need for the controller to function with it.
the reason C++ is hybrid is to support backward compatibility with the C language.
Line 8-10: This is some backward compatibility for the messages that were created before we added the workflow feature.
China-U.S. Bilateral Trade: Compatibility and Incompatibility;
Aggregation and consistence of client-oriented and competitor-oriented;
Research for channel code of the get down compatible DAMB system;
From Conflict to Compatibility: the Compatibility of Anthropocentrism with Non-Anthropocentrism;
The application works fine with compatibility layers
- defecthost interaction是什么意思
- Donatio propter nuptias是什么意思
- densely flowered是什么意思
- die nuts是什么意思
- display windows是什么意思
- diadric是什么意思
- dry enamelling是什么意思
- double action press是什么意思
- dissolved organic matter是什么意思
- DEC small computer是什么意思
- double wing door是什么意思
- deferred revenue是什么意思
- down to her marks是什么意思
- dye stuff plant是什么意思
- DC series wound motor是什么意思
- date of built是什么意思
- direct reading table balance是什么意思
- drill pipe steel是什么意思
- desilting material是什么意思
- delivery pressure head是什么意思
- diazo microfilm是什么意思
- Deeds for Sale of Movables是什么意思
- diagnostic fault condition是什么意思
- differentiation是什么意思
- defy是什么意思
- dry etching system是什么意思
- desoxyribose (dRib)是什么意思
- diameter tape是什么意思
- double donut是什么意思
- detrital ratio是什么意思