Distance Learning Section
- 1)Distance Learning Section,远距教学组2)Distant learning,远距教学3)long distance education,远距离教学4)distance learning,远距学习5)distance education,远距离教育6)Long-distance education,远距离教育
Video and visual media used in long distance education have obvious advantages.
影视传播在远距离教学中优势明显 ,但也存在时序结构、表达方式、非交互性等局限性和影响逻辑思维、造成信息负荷过重等负面效应。
The research of the distance education laboratory construction of educational technology;
In distance education,the separation between teacher and student is the core.
The thesis analysesthe merits and demerits about distance education based on computer network objectively,and puts forward some ways against the demerits.
随着计算机在教育领域 ,尤其是在远距离教育中的广泛应用 ,计算机网络相对于传统教育模式和传统远距离教育模式的优势也越来越明显 ,但同时 ,它也带来了一些新的问题 。
Subject is open to distance learning as well as on-campus students and to industry participants.
United Nations University International Centre for Distance Learning
"distance learning, teaching: Teaching by remote media such as radio or television."
远程学习、教学: 通过广播或电视等远距离媒体教学。
The research of the distance education laboratory construction of educational technology;
Developing Distance Education Should Fully Utilize Resources of Radio & TV Universities;
Teaching and Practice of Marks Regulate Three Jump Distance in the Triple Jump;
Thinking about Application of Interacting Distance Model to Distance Teaching
How Far is Educational Theory from Practice? --Understanding from Educational Development;
The Research of Instructional System Development of Distance Education Based on Transaction Distance Theory;
The Advantage, Limitation and Passive Effect of Video and Visual Transmission Applied in Long-Distance Education;
Develop Students’ Latent abilities and Cultivate Their Creativity;
"By 1970s, television broadcasting of educational programs relayed by communication satellite became available. This has provided a favorable means to spread learning on a large scale and to teach from a faraway place."
(astronomy) having an orbit farther from the sun than the Earth's orbit.
The American system of education is far from perfect.
Attributes and Inspirations of Distant Education in America and Canada;
distal receptor
at long [short, close] range
在远 [近] 距离
Distance education is instruction that occurs when the instructor and student are separated by distance or time, or both.
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