An inch in a miss is as good as an ell.



    1)An inch in a miss is as good as an ell.,为山九仞,功亏一溃。2)The lonely town is lost amid the mountains proud.,一片孤城万仞山3)There's many a slip'twixt the cup and the lip,世事往往会功亏一篑4)the year of 1999,一九九年5)1990 (nineteen ninety),一九九○年6)Turn losses into gains (or profits); go from loss incurring to profit-making,转亏为盈


    here's many a slip'twixt the cup and the lip.


    The lack of one basketful of earth spoils the entire effort to build a nine-ren mountain.

    为山九仞, 功亏一篑。

    If it backfires, it could bedevil efforts to contain public spending.


    Her poor delivery spoilt an otherwise good speech.

    她的演讲在各方面都很好, 却因表达技巧差而功亏一篑.

    Why do you discontinue compiling your dictionary? Don't you think it a pity to give it up when it is nearly completed?

    为什么你不继续编纂你的词典呢?功亏一篑, 你不觉得可惜吗?

    Take lessons from this little thing i know fall back a step then brighter.


    It's not the end of the world, try to look on the bright side of thing, I'm sure it will be all right.


    They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.

    他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜, 但事情往往会功败垂成.

    Nothing is as good as it seems Beforehand.


    On the other hand, a brave person who dares to take risks often succeeds


    It’s easy to be concerned with problems across the other side of the world and not see the poverty and unhappiness on your own doorstep.


    A successful politician always bends an ear to the opinion of the public.


    Strangely enough,we tend to come across things that are impossible.

    真奇怪,我们往往会 碰到一些我们认为不 可能的事.

    Whenever he did allude to such matters, it was usually for the purpose of commenting critically upon an interlocutor.


    The guest ferryboat once appears the traffic accident,often makes dies in groups the group wound,the social echo is big.


    Very often it takes a shocking event to move them into the mainstream.


    The Best is often the enemy of the good.


    The wish to appear clever often prevents one from being so .
