Amolops torrentis



    1)Amolops torrentis,小湍蛙2)Amolops chunganensis,崇安湍蛙3)Amolops wuyiensis,武夷湍蛙4)Amolops,湍蛙属5)Amolopinae,湍蛙亚科6)Pseudoamolops,拟湍蛙属


    The new distributions of Odorrana lungshengensis and Amolops chunganensis were found in Houhe National Nature Reserve,Hubei.

    在湖北后河国家级自然保护区发现龙胜臭蛙(Odorrana lungshengensis)和崇安湍蛙(Amolops chunganensis),两物种为湖北省两栖类新纪录。

    Wuyi cascade-frog(Amolops wuyiensis) were investigated by streptavidin-peroxidase(S-P) immunohistochemical method.


    Phylogenetic Relationships Among Some Species of Amolops Inferred from 12S and 16S rRNA Gene Sequences;

    基于12S和16S rRNA序列的湍蛙属部分物种的系统发育关系

    The Validity of Four Amolops Species in Hengduan Mountains,China;


    In this paper, morphological characters of adults and tadpoles of Rana sauteri group including Rsauteri Boulenger (1909) and Rmultidenticulata Chou and Lin (1997) from Taiwan, China are studied,The morphological characters are compared with the species of its related genera, Pseudorana, Hylarana, Rana and Amolops.

    由于台湾两个种的蝌蚪体腹面有吸盘 ,既不同于林蛙属Rana ,也不同于趾沟蛙属Pseudorana和水蛙属Hylarana ,而类似于湍蛙属Amolops的蝌蚪 ,但与后者的成体和蝌蚪又明显不同。