Administrative system



    1)Administrative system,行政制度2)administration system,行政制度3)county administration system,县行政制度4)government system,政府体制;行政制度5)administrative approval system,行政审批制度6)administrative permission system,行政许可制度


    The comparative study of China and foreign countries administrative systems helps to enrich our knowledge of government system and raise the capability of analyzing government system.


    Since the foundation of the People s Republic of China,Chinese Communist Party and the government have carried out administrative systematical reforms several times in order to meet the requirements of reforms in economic system and social development.

    新中国成立后 ,我国政府为了适应经济制度改革和社会发展的要求 ,多次对行政制度进行改革。

    On the dualized administration system of the Liao Dynasty;


    On the basis of the illustration of the dialectical relation between the administration development and the administration system, the thesis will study how to construct the administration system with the background of the administration development in modern time.


    Were existed many feudalistic maladies in the Qing Dynasty s county administration system such as distempered organization,the mixture of justice and administration,the patriarchal finance system.

    所有这些改革均具有重要意义 ,标志着中国的县行政制度开始摆脱传统而走向现代。

    The reform of the administrative approval system,which has to overcome various resistances with the help of an effective driving force mechanism,is a self-revolution launched by the government.


    The administrative approval system reform in China has been carried out with the same speed of the open-door policy,and now it is confronted with many predicaments.


    The key point of the administrative approval system reformation is to break with the old system and establish new scientific system to meet the requirement for the development of socialism market economy.


    On the Reformation of Public Security Administrative Permission System with the Guidance of the Strategy of Ruling the Country by Law;


    The Research on the Administrtive System and Power of Provinces and Counties during 1927-1937 Period;


    The Zhu Bu in Tang Dynasty county is an important official position of the county class administration system inside.


    On Puzzle and Solution to the System of Government Purchase at the County-level;


    County to expand their powers--the reform of the administrative system to expand the system;


    An Attempt at Talking about the Evolution of Local Administrative System during the Period of the Republic of China--To Take the System of County as the Instance


    Political Choice and Practical Response:the Concurrent Judicial Institution in the Republic of China


    Agricultural administrative execution-a system innovation of guarantee farmer s rights and interests-a case of Kaiyang county in Guizhou province;


    A Study on the Problems of Policy Implement in Country-Level Goverments with a Perspective of Province Directly Governing County System


    On Occupation System for Provincial and County Officials in Qing Dynasty;


    Inner Mechanism of Government Administrative Cost:Compare Direct Provincial Supervision of County Finance with Municipal Supervision County Finance


    Implementing the Administrative Licensing Law Conscientiously & Deepening the County-Level Administrative Reform;


    The County Administration System in the Northern Warlords Government Period


    A Research on Institution Construction of Overcoming Hunan Province County-township Fiscal Dilemma;


    Scientific Development and Innovation of County Level Government Management System;


    Analysis of Institutional Economics on Function Variation of the County Government;


    Rules for the code representation of administrative divisions under counties


    Analysis on the Administration System of Cities Governing Counties (Cities) and the Tentative Plan of the Reform;


    Reform Administration and Management System Develop and Expand Intra-county Economics;

    改革行政管理体制 发展壮大县域经济